A New Life

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(L/N) = Last Name

When you opened your eyes, you awoke to find yourself in a beautiful garden. "(M/N)!" Looking around to see who was calling you, you found a beautiful woman with long, black hair and (e/c) eyes coming towards you. When she got closer, you noticed a light dusting of freckles on her face. "There you are, sweetie. Come along, your father just arrived home. Let's go greet him." Bewildered, you nodded mutely and followed the woman to what looked to be a mansion. She led you into a room filled with books, where a man with short (h/c) hair and cold, ice blue eyes behind glasses waited in a chair, reading a newspaper. "There you are, (M/N). You gave your mother quite the fright." "I-uh, sorry..." You mumbled, still weirded out by what was going on. "Suldusk!" A house-elf with large, amber eyes appeared, bowing to your 'mother'. "Yes, mistress?" A high-pitched feminine voice answered. The house-elf was wearing what looked like a curtain, which was draped around her like a dress. "Prepare some tea for us and bring it here." Suldusk bowed again, said, "Right away, mistress!" and left to make the tea. 

After that first day, you found out that your 'mother' was a pureblooded witch named Iris Rosier, who doesn't exist in the books or movies. Your 'father' is a rich halfblooded wizard named Nero (L/N). You're also an only child, so no sibling was there to pester you, and from your 'parents' interactions, you don't think there'll be one any time soon. They were polite to each other, both rather formal with one another, like there was some kind of barrier between them that only you could traverse through. When Iris wasn't around, Nero became almost childlike and would want to spend time with you. When Nero wasn't around, Iris became more relaxed and mother-like, making sure you ate and that you weren't hurt or anything of the sort. You also seemed to have five house-elves. Suldusk was your mother's personal elf, Corym was your father's personal elf, Baralas was your personal elf, Aegrod was one of the family elves that took care of the cleaning and maintenance of the mansion, and Mailia was the other family elf, who took care of the garden and grounds outside. Both parents also had owl, your mother an eagle owl named Athena, while your father had a screech owl named Merlin. 

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