The Beginning

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(M/N) = Male Name

(S/N) = Sibling Name

(M/N) was bored out of his skull as the day wore on, stuck in class as his teacher droned on and on about something he couldn't care less about. It's almost over... just a little bit longer... He thought as he stared at the clock. Not that he was talking about the clock, which read 1:29pm. He was a senior in High School and was about to graduate, for it was April 15th. Soon, he'll be out of school and won't have to worry about homework ever again... Unless he goes to college, but he's not sure whether he wants to go or not. As the dull lecture continued, (M/N) started mindlessly doodling on his paper, thoughts elsewhere. 

Once school was finally over, (M/N) all but ran to his car, parked in the student parking section. It was an old car with peeling tan paint and rust around the rims, but it worked, and that's all he needed. When the teenager got home, he was alone. Both his parents were still working, and his younger sibling was at a friend's house, working on a project together. Usually (M/N) would go to his part-time job at McDonald's, but he happened to have the day off, so he sat on the couch and turned the TV on, planning to do his homework later... if he remembered. When he got bored of watching TV, he went to his room and listened to music, shutting his door even though he was the only one there. He opened his computer, but instead of working on his homework like he was supposed to, he read fanfictions about his favorite characters. 

After who knows how long, (s/n) came bursting into his room yelling, "Dinner's ready!!!" (M/N) quickly slammed his laptop shut, spinning around to face them. "Have you ever heard of knocking?!" He growled, agitated. It feels like no one in his family knows how to knock! He got up and followed (s/n) to the dining room, where both his parents were already sitting, looking tired. Both siblings sat down, and they all began eating, the adults asking how school was going. When that was over, (M/N) retreated back to his room, shutting the door once again. Opening his computer, he added another tab so he wouldn't lose his place, and started writing some of his own fanfics. Thankfully it was a Friday, so (M/N) could work on his stories all night if he wanted to. 

He fell asleep at his desk, laptop open on a Harry Potter fanfic he was writing. He was having a very strange dream. He was floating in the middle of a blank, black space, almost like he was in an abyss or void. Then, a flash of light, and a beautiful female with white fox ears and ten tails appeared. (below)

"Hello, (M/N)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Hello, (M/N)." He stared at her, not sure whether he should be afraid or in awe of her. "H-how do you know my name?" He mentally cursed himself for stuttering. She simply smirked. "I know many things, like the fact that your bored with your life. Quite frankly, I'm bored too, so I decided to help you. I'm going to send you to a world you know very well. Have fun, and remember, I'll be watching~" She then transformed into a large white fox with ten tails (above). She made a beautiful, yet haunting noise, almost like a mixture between a howl and a bird chirping. Then, there was another flash of light before everything went dark...

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