and you are not there at all

Start from the beginning

"Don't let your guard down! Load the catapults! Get ready for war!" He demanded.

Y/n watched with wide as the queen finally was forced out of her nest. Her eyes slitted into thin ovals yet again. Toothless shrieked through his teeth, waving his head around and struggling. Chaos ensued.

Catapults were flung, people were injured, boats were sunk. Y/n took one last gasp of air before sinking into the endless ocean. She felt a thud next to her and she saw Toothless. The salt stung both of thier eyes and Y/n's wound.

She felt like her lungs were going to explode. She could see figures of a familiar scrawny boy. She attempted to yell out, only bubbles making thier way out of her mouth. Y/n pulled at the restraints, seeing a larger figure dive towards the smaller ones. Her eyes began to shut.



I don't want this. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't understand before...

I promise I'll try.

I'll try better this time, just please.

I didn't mean to hurt them last time.

I swear.

I beg you.

Have mercy.

Y/n coughed up sea water, gasping for precious air as she looked to Hiccup. Her eyes glossed over- and not from seawater. She leapt onto his form, hugging him tightly as she pressed a firm kiss to his cheek. She sniffed.

"I knew it." She commented softly. Hiccup smiled and nodded towards her. Y/n smiled, flapping her wings to get rid of water. She ran forwards and leapt high in the air before catching wind under her wings. Stoick watched as Hiccup stared after her with a pink tint on his cheeks. He placed a nervous and hesitant hand on his son's arm.


Snotlout, Fishlegs, and the twins all gaped at thier new ally.

"They're rea- SHE'S REAL?" Called Snotlout. He only sort of believed Hiccup she he said that Y/n even existed. Fishlegs laughed at this 'scientific breakthrough'. The twins, being the twins, hyped up Y/n. "Dude! She's got wings!?" Called Ruffnut. "No fair! She doesn't need a dragon! No offense." Commented Tuffnut. The Zippleback growled, emitting smoke around the Red Death and lighting it.


"I'm proud to call you my son." Said Stoick confidently. His sup smiled at the chief and nodded. "..Thanks, dad." He said with a newfound courage.

Hiccup took to the sky, Astrid giving the signal to get Snotlout out of there. Y/n shrieked in joy to be in the air again, wiping the blood from her cheek. Hearing Astrid shout for help, Y/n watched as Toothless tucked in his wings, fell, and made a sharp u-turn towards the blonde. She flew alongside Toothless and Hiccup. Hiccup nodded as they flew around the Red Death. Y/n flew above Hiccup. The boy shouted up to the girl.

"It has wings!" He exclaimed before grinning a little. "Let's see if it can use them!" He said. Hiccup and Toothless dived down with Y/n joining him.

"I've got your back, Hiccup!" She reassured, reeling back her dominant hard and chucking a plasma ball towards the Queen. She smiled.

She scowled at the toxic leader of thier nest. Toothless also built up a plasma ball, firing at the Queen. They both began to book it up to the clouds. The Red Death roared in rage, flapping its mighty wings to fly after them. Y/n nodded towards Hiccup.

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