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Ahoy friends
Hey my phone broke sorry for leaving you on that cliffhanger

I'm going to try and update more often now.


¤|John b's POV|¤
Well let's just say it was an adventure. Sarah and me are unofficially married. Yes. Married. With my bandanna now being used a necklace of marriage. We got stuck in the Bahamas. Then made our way to Charleston in which we stole a boat and found our way back to the obx. Sarah and I went back to the chateau but what I didn't expect to see was 2 of my bestfriends making out. Sarah was rather enthusiastic about it and insistent she knew they were ment to be. I'm so in love with her. She even made them a ship name. Jiara.

I snap back into reality when kie asks if we wanted to go into the cats ass. Apparently before we left jj bought a hot tub with the money he stole from Barry. We all agreed. JJ looked a little hesitant then said he would get the beers. Me, Sarah, and kie got in the hot tub. They were squealing as they planned a double date. I wonder where pope is. Finally jj walked out of the house with a case of beer. "Alright yall let's get this party started!". He said thrusting his hands in the air. "Wooooo!!". We cheered. He takes off his shirt revealing his abs. "Oh God dude what the hell happened". I said gawking at the bandage across his torso. (I didn't know if Sarah knew that jj got abused but I just went off what I thought). "Uh well....". He stared at his feet and told us the whole story. So thats where pope is.

♡|Sarah's POV|♡
I knew jj didn't have the best dad but I never thought it could get this bad. Like OMG STABBED. In the middle if a party!?. He must be really sick to do that to his own son. I also felt slightly bad for pope. We really missed alot. Other than that we had a really great night. It was SUPER nice to be back. We were all laughing and drying off getting ready to go back inside when we heard yelling from a distance. "Did u guys hear that". I said looking around. They all were too. "SARAH I KNOW YOUR HEREEEEE". Rafe.

Ahoy friends
Sorry for the short chapter. Might upload again later.

Much love ❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰

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