Issue 31 - From Beyond the Grave

Start from the beginning

"This changes nothing. You were just lucky to survive. I'll be sure to finish the job." Kraven taunted, swinging his large butcher knife. Avoiding the attack, I landed a punch making Kraven yell in pain, stumbling back.

As he went to stab me again, I caught the blade shattering it and kicking him through into the next classroom. Crashing through each desk, Kraven struggled to stand as I jumped through, hanging on the ceiling. "You took it too far, Kraven!" 

Coughing, he slowly stood up, holding his stomach. "It was a stupid grave; what does it matter to you anyway?"

Webbing past him, I screamed out with pure rage. "EVERYTHING!" Swinging past, I slammed into Kraven, blasting through the floor to the cafeteria. Not giving Kraven any time to react, I picked him up, throwing him across the hall. Jumping ahead, he quickly responded by slashing at me. Grazing me, I looked down, noticing my suit healing the wound. "That's not going to work on me this time."

"Impossible." He muttered, taking a dropkick through the window outside. Rain poured out, mixing with Kraven's wounds as I slowly emerged, throwing aside his animal skin jacket. "That suit... Where did you get that suit?"

"I have to thank you, Kraven, I really do. You really woke me up to something."

"What is that, Spider?" 

Webbing his feet, he could not move as I punched him in the face, serval teeth coming out. "I need to stop holding back."

Flipping back, I turned my attention to one of the teacher's cars. Crouched down, I picked it up over my head with no problems feeling stronger than ever. Kraven's eyes widened as I threw the car at him, pinning him against the wall. He couldn't move as Kraven kept trying to escape, crying out in pain. Jumping on top of the car, I crouched down, taking my mask off and looking at him. "Men like you deserve no remorse. You are the lowest of the low; I should kill you for what you did." Grabbing him by the neck, I squeezed, hissing. "But I'm feeling mighty considerate tonight." Webbing his arms to the car, I began walking away. "Turn yourself over to the police; I better not see you around again."

Swinging back up to the headmaster's office, I jumped down, approaching the desk. Kingpin began clapping, still hidden behind his chair. "I'm impressed, Spider-Man; I heard you were strong, but that was entirely something else. So why don't we start anew? You come to work for me, and I'll give you everything you want. Money, power, fame. You could be the number one hero under me."

"I don't think so chubby. Your reign ends here." I snap, spinning the chair around only to find a monitor with Kingpin on. "I should have guessed you were too much of a coward."

Kingpin leaned forward towards the screen, smirking. "You're not the first super freak to try and take me down Spider-Man, and you won't be the last. They don't call me the Kingpin for nothing. So you'll never reach me again."

"Don't push your luck, Fisk. I already have a pretty shitty day."

The security footage of me fighting Kraven appeared from the screen as he chuckled. "If this got out, you would lose your chance at returning to UA, but you'll also be branded a criminal. So So, I have to release this to the media, and you're finished."

"Then why don't you?" I bark.

Leaning back in his chair, Kingpin shook his head. "Family means a lot to you; I can see that. We are the same in those regards. What Kraven did to your Uncle's grave is unacceptable. Therefore I shall delete all records of you ever being here. The footage tonight will be erased. Consider this my apologies for his behaviour."

"Aww, I'm touched." I joke, staring him down. "This won't stop me from coming after you, Fisk, maybe not tonight or tomorrow. But I will take you down!"

"And if that's true, others will take my place. They'll see what I was trying to do, and they'll make sure--"

"No, they won't. The city will forget who you are. You'll be just another wannabe super villain like the Green Goblin, like All For One. People will remember Wilson Fisk as the joke he was; your name and existence will be looked at with nothing but disgust. So I will kill you."

Kingpin didn't look amused, scoffing. "Take your shot."

The call ended as police sirens began echoing closer. Choosing to make a quick getaway, I'll take Kingpin's words for now and trust he will do as promised. For now, I needed to head home, rest and figure out everything that was going on with me and this suit.


Climbing through the window to my room, I took the suit off hanging it up in my wardrobe. I stared at it idly, still not sure how to feel about it. This suit was unlike anything I had ever seen before, with self-made webbing and healing abilities. There were no wounds, not even a scar; lifting up my shirt. While I was concerned about where it came from, there was no denying that the suit helped me defeat Kraven. This was the upper hand I was looking for all along.

May opened the door look at me, furious. "Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to call you for hours, young man!"

Holding up a destroyed phone, I sighed. "Sorry, there was a disturbance."

"Again? Don't tell me you were out doing hero work?!" May pleaded.

"No, May, I wasn't. I promise I was just visiting Uncle Ben and lost track of time." I lie, closing the window. "I'm home now, May; please go to bed."

"You can tell me the truth, Y/N; I'm here for you."

"I'm fine, May; please go to sleep!" I shout back, closing the door on her. I slid down against the door, falling to the floor and slouched over. Then, turning on my cracked screened phone, I saw the barrage of messages and voice calls. Two from Peni, one from Midoriya and one from Ashido.

Sighing, I opened Peni's.

"Y/N, it's me. Call me when you get this; I want to help however I can. We can't le-."

"Message deleted."

I played back Midoriya's.

"Hello? This is Midoriya, I'm not quite sure what's happening, but I know something is wrong. I'm going to talk to All Might to see if he can hel-."

"Message deleted."

I hovered over Ashido's message choosing to delete it straight away. Then, placing my phone down, I got another buzz. Picking it up, it was from an unknown caller id, a video message. Opening it, I was shown a security camera with the footage being deleted.

Wilson Fisk placed the phone down, speaking directly. "I am a man of my word Y/N Parker. You have something many others don't. My respect. This is your first and only warning, Spider-Man. Stay out of my way, or it will be more than just you who suffers."

The message ended as I threw my phone across the room in a fit of anger. Standing up, I walked over to my wardrobe, going to put my suit on. However, I hesitated for a moment, feeling uneasy about the suit. Backing away, I closed the door lying on my bed. "Not tonight, Y/N... Not tonight."

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