Five Years Later

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When Abbi woke up, she didn't feel right. She felt sick. The slightest movement and she'd be running to the washroom.

So she didn't move. It's not the first time this has happened either. For the past few days (maybe a week even), she felt nauseous, tired, and irritable. Not to mention the frequent headaches and the fact that her back was killing her. That made things so much better.

She opened her eyes and tenderly smiled at the sight before her. Her husband was still asleep. Curly hair all over the place, one arm wrapped around her waist, snoring as if he didn't have a care in the world. Looking down at the hand on her midsection, her smile only brightened.

Camilo had proposed a month after her eighteenth birthday. Four years of being with her and the young man had grown a bit impatient. He was overjoyed when she excepted (although, everyone knew she would).

The wedding took place four months later, with Mirabel as the maid of honor and Joaquin as the best man. Dante had walked her down the isle and Antonio was the ring-bearer. A cloud from Pepa burst with rain as the two said their own vows and shared their first kiss as husband and wife.

That had been the happiest day of her life. She was happy. Happy.........and still nauseous.

Abbi groaned and unintentionally woke Camilo. "Buenos días, mi amor. Still sick?"

"Unfortunately. Sorry I woke you up. I didn't mean too."

"Dont worry about it. This has been going on for a few days. Why don't we talk to Tía Julieta and see what she says?"

"I don't wanna trouble her."

The shape-shifter sighed. "Mariposa, you need to get this checked out. I can't stand too see you like this." He sat up, slowly bringing her with him. "We are going to talk to Tía. ¿Comprender?"

"Sí, Tingles."

He chuckled. It was an unspoken rule that she was the only one allowed to call him that. No one else even dared, for fear of an angry shape-shifter.

"Want me to make you some tea?"

"That sounds heavenly."

With a florish, he jump from the bed and got dressed. Camilo had definitely grown through the years. He was taller (reaching just passed his mother's height) and his muscles had filled out nicely. His hair was longer and he'd grown a small goatee.

He kissed her forehead before opening the door, not entirely surprised to see his cousin on the other side. "Perfect timing, prima. Mind helping Mariposa for me?"

"You need to ask?"

The last few years had strengthened the cousins relationship with each other, as well. It did help that Abbi was someone they both deeply cared about. Because of her, Mirabel and Camilo were almost like siblings rather than cousins.

"Vamos. I got her."

"You're the best," he said, hugging her before descending the stairs.

Mirabel made her way into the bedroom and found her cousin-in-law sitting with her head in her hand. The grimace on her face suggested another headache. Slowly, the dark haired woman sat down.

"Hey, you ok?" The brunette lightly glared at her. "Sorry. Standard question."

"Mira, if I move anymore, I'm gonna be sick."

"C'mon, Abbi. Let's get you dressed and down stairs for breakfast. That should help."

"What part of "if I move anymore, I'm gonna be sick" makes you think I want to eat!"

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