“I don’t care.”

She looks into my eyes and relaxes, everything stops floating in the air and falls. I pull her into my arms as she cries into my chest.

“It's ok…I got you.”

Steve’s pov

I sit with the other Avengers as they take in the news. Tony glares at me from the head of the table as I meet his eyes as he stands up.

“You know Rogers you're a two-faced asshole! She trusted you!”

He looks at everyone around the table and without a word, they get up and leave me and Tony alone.

"You just lost the most loyal person ever, do you have anything to say!"

"Yeah, Tony, why do you care!?"

"Because She's like a daughter to me that's why!"

He storms out of the room. I groan in frustration and run my hand through my hair.

Tony's pov

I storm into my lab and start working on one of my many projects. I sit at my desk pulling up a hologram of a new blueprint of a new suit I'm making.

It's for Katherine. I've been working on it since she got here. It's a purple dress with thigh-high boots, a cape, and gloves. After some slight adjustments, It's ready.

2 weeks later…

Katherine's pov

I wake up to a warm breath against my neck. 


I roll over and meet his blue eyes.

"Good morning, no bad dreams?"

I ask, as he pulls me close and I wrap my arms around him. He smiles, kissing me lightly on the lips.



As I try getting out of bed, cool metal wraps around my bare waist as Bucky humm's in protest. I smile softly and turn to him.

"I need a shower."

I say running my hands through my messy brown shoulder-length hair as I look at him he nods releasing me.

I walk to my closets and pick out genes and a black crop top then walk into the bathroom.

I turn the water and step into the shower letting the water run over me as I scrub my hair. After that, I get dressed and find Bucky ready and waiting for me. He looks me up and down and I grin looking at him.

"Like what you see?"

I ask, taking his hand in mine as he nods.

"Yes yes, I do."

We head to the kitchen downstairs to get some breakfast when we bump into Tony.

"Just the girl I was looking for, I have something for you."

He says as he strides up to us. He looks at Bucky.

"You can come to Manchurian Candidate now follow me."

We walk with Tony to his lab. Tony walks over to his desk and picks up a ring and comes back over holding it out to me. I look at him perplexed.

"Well, are you gonna take it?"

I take it from him and look at it. It's dark purple with a K in the middle of it. As I slide it on the fourth finger of my right hand. Nanos crawl up my arm till I'm dressed in a purple outfit.

 Nanos crawl up my arm till I'm dressed in a purple outfit

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Buck's pov

My jaw drops at the sight of her. She looks at Tony in complete shock. He walks behind her to straighten the cape that rests on her shoulders. He has pride in his eyes as he comes back to stand in front of her.

"Wow… you look… amazing!"

She looks at me with bright eyes and turns in place the cape flying behind her.

looking at me with that dazzling smile on her face, she takes my hand and leads me to the training room. I look behind me to see Tony smirking.

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