A New Beginning

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Four years had passed, and everyone in the order had grown much stronger. But there was something terribly wrong. Slowly, one by one, humanity was disappearing, leaving only exorcists, and Akuma.

“Ryko what are we gonna do?” Eli asked as she was scared of what was happening.

Ryko shrugs. “I honestly don’t know…”

"Well, what we know so far is that we've lost sixteen exorcists since this all started." Kuroha says, crossing her arms. "The human race keeps turning into Akuma by 15% every day. And they turn because of simple touch."

“It’s turning everything unsafe around here.. the human population is just dying at the point.” Lavi said.

“Yeah, no where is safe at this point..” Allen agreed.

"And since I'm no longer working with the Earl, I have no idea what's caused this, or how to stop it." Kuroha sighs. "We only have a few remaining exorcists left. Including all of us, Krory, Kanda, Leenalee, Komui and Shiru. Everyone else has either died I'm the field, been turned into Akuma, or committed suicide."

“Yeah this place is just no longer safe..” Ryko said in a sad tone thinking of her home town hoping everything is ok as Eli rubbed her hand.

“I’m worried about them too..” Eli said as Kai came running through a portal.

“Oh thank goodness you guys are alright..!” Kai said in relief.

“Dad! Please tell me if the town is ok..!” Ryko went to his face.

Kai nodded. “They are fine, my Ora is still there to protect them and I put a barrier for them to be safe…” Kai said and Ryko breaths in relief so does Eli.

"So... What happens now?" Kuroha looks at everyone.

Alohi follows through another portal. “I believe I can help, please gather everyone that is alive here.”

"On it." Kuroha runs around, gathering Kanda, Krory, Komui and Leenalee.

“Alright is this everyone child?” Alohi asked to make sure.

Shiru teleports beside Lavi, holding his arm. "Yes, indeed it is."

“Alright it’s come to the conclusion the this planet is no longer livable, I’m here to offer a comfortable environment for you to stay at in another dimension. You would be living with the people I had rescued at those demons hand but they are harmless, they said they would be more than happy to let you stay.” Alohi said.

“W-Wait another dimension..? Is that safe for humans like us?” Krory worried.

“Oh yes, it’s only hopping through dimension that’s dangerous for humans.” Alohi said.

"Well... If we have no other choice..." Leenalee hugs herself. "I'm fine with it."

"I'm down. Better than being here." Kuroha squeezes Allen's hand.

“Young men are you wanting to go?” Alohi asked.

“Tch. I don’t care, not like we can do anything here.” Kanda pouted.

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