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Kuroha sits outside the next morning, watching the sun rise. She sighs, sitting in the only tree outside town. She closes her eyes, as level one Akuma being to swarm her. "Can't catch a break huh?" She smirks, opening her crimson, blood red eyes. Fangs slip from her upper jaw. "That's fine by me. I get my morning fun!!" She stands, transforming both her arms into blades. "Let's see how fast I can go this time~" she lazily steps off the branch. "One~" She takes out the Akuma to her left. "Two~" She kills the three to her right. "Three~" With a kick and a swing, the takes out two more. "Fourrr~" She stabs one between the eyes, blending in with the oncoming explosion of it dying. "Aaaannnnndddd... The grand finale!! FIVE!!!" She jumps high into the air, blasting a line of them away. She lands gracefully on her feet, breathing. "Level ones are always too easy."
Ryko comes out the ally from her wonders at night with patches on her shoulder chilling.

“Meow! (Hey it’s that girl over there!)” Patches said.

“Hmm? Oh hey pipsqueak. What are you doing up so early?” Ryko said.

"Huh?" Kuroha turns. "Oh, getting my morning bloodlust out." She smiles innocently, turning her blade back into flesh and blood.

“Whatever.. take patches back home.” Ryko said hanging her patches.

"Why can't you?" Kuroha takes the cat.

“Cause..” Ryko takes out the blood red crystal. “I got something to do.” Ryko said holding.

"Ryko." Kuroha says sternly. "What are you doing?"

“I’m gonna go see him. I also need to ask him something.” Ryko said.

"You're going to come back with us, right?"

“If I know how to do that. I don’t even know how to do this.” Ryko said but then she put it on the ground and it started to glow as it began to rise. “Whoa what the-“ Ryko said as a flash of light hit and suddenly there was a portal.

"Ryko. Think about what you're doing. Does Eli even know about this?" Kuroha steps back.

“No but she’ll find out I don’t wanna be there as long as I have to.” Ryko said going up to the portal but hesitates. “If Eli asks just tell her though she’ll kick my ass.” Ryko said

“Meow.. (Please come back soon..)” Patches said

“Don’t worry patches I’ll be back before we leave, listen to Eli patches.” Ryko said touching the portal still a bit afraid.

"Don't be gone too long. We have to go back to the Order."

“I just said that dumbass.” Ryko said entering the portal then looks out looking around.

“Ryko?” A voice said.

“She then looked up and saw her dad. She flinched but then walked out the portal.

“I-I didn’t expect you to come so soon..” Kai said scratching the back of his head with a nervous smile.

“I.. just..” Ryko said.

“Just come over here, just look and admire this landscape. I put your mother in a beautiful spot.” Kai said

“O-Oh ok then. I’d would like to see her..” Ryko said.

Back through the portal, Kuroha walks Patches back to her home. “Ryykooooo!” Eli said looking around for her and spots Kuroha and patches. “Kuroha! Hey have you seen Ryko?” Eli asked.

"Yeah. She's with her dad."

Eli blinked.

“WHAT!?!?!” Eli screamed.

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