Chapter 2

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1983.  Three years passed and nothing has really changed despite the fact that the children are now three years older. The Fredbear’s Family Dinner is still running and has a great reputation around the city, William is still working on killer robots and all is well in the two co-workers families.

Michael was hanging in his father’s office (not the one in the basement) while his father was working on some blueprints. It was raining outside and Michael always enjoyed watching the rain from his father’s office’s window. The window overlooked the whole spacious garden, as well as the flower fields that his mother uses to maintain, and part of the forest that surrounds the entire neighbourhood.
Michael looked away from the window to look at his father, engrossed in his work. He was quite curious about what his father was working on, but decided to not ask him to avoid disturbing him. The oldest son started to look a bit his father’s office.

William’s office is a large room with two bay windows in the shape of a roman art door. The upper part of the walls are pale yellow but quite bright, while the lower part of the walls is cover with wooden planks positioned vertically, where a kind  of wooden support delimits the two parts.
Right next to William’s desk is a rather elegant wooden pillar that supports the ceiling (well, it’s more of a decoration according to his wife), while on the right side of his office, we can see many shelves filled with books about engineering, robotics or science. William has always had an interest in science, mainly in chemistry. On one of the shelves, are exposed three pistols as well as some books about weapons. Another shelf contains a flower pot with a light purple rose in.

Michael’s eyes turned to a black plastic bag located at the foot of one of the shelves. He got up and walked toward the bag and checked that his father wasn’t looking to prevent having a moral lesson about curiosity. William has sometimes been shown exigent about some things, and curiosity belongs to them.
When Michael arrived to where the bag was located, he crouched down and opened it. At his owns surprise, the bag contains four masks of four characters from the cartoon “Freddy and friends”. The teenager took the Foxy mask in his hands and turned toward his father “Dad, did you make those mask?” he asked. William raised his head a few instants after Michael spoke and his eyes went from Michael to the mask. “I did. The manager of the cartoon Freddy called to ask Henry and me to create some features and merchandises about this cartoon. In exchange, he proposed to make an advertisement for Fredbear’s.” Michael looked back at the mask and nodded. William stared at his son for a few seconds and said while driving his attention back to his work “If you want to keep these masks, go ahead. They were kinda the models and the first ones we made, and I planned to give them to you or your siblings.” Michael’s went back to William and he brightly smiles. He tied the Foxy mask around his head, took the bag and went to his room after thanking his father.

When he got out of his father’s office, he took a few steps and felt something bumping into his legs. He immediately stopped, quite surprised and looked down. He saw a little ginger haired girl with pastel green eyes. She was wearing a pink shirt with a white bow at the collar and a blue skirt. By her sides were a Spring Bonnie plushie and a paper, probably one of her drawings.
Her big green eyes looked up after she understood what happened. “That hurts” she said with her little cute voice. Just like her siblings, she speaks with a British that she inherited from her father, who was born and lived a big part of his childhood in Liverpool. “Learn to look at where you’re going Liz” answered back Michael before laughing a bit when he saw his sister sticking her tongue out at him.

Michael walked toward his room while his sister gets up and picks up her plush and drawing. He was a bit reassured that she didn’t cry. Something he finds very annoying about his sister is that she has a sort of obsession with William, which allows her to spend a lot of time with her father and she became his “little precious daughter”.  Michael would have liked to be close to his father too, but he decided he should enjoy with what he has, because some children don’t have a father or a great father.

After picking up her stuffs, Elizabeth ran again toward her father’s office and entered it. Due to her tiny size and that she didn’t make too much noise, William didn’t notice she entered the room.
William was looking for something in one of his drawers, and when he put what he was looking for on his desk, he didn’t expected his daughter to be right in front of his desk and jumped back “Holy f-“ he stopped just before cursing and caught his breath. “Bethy, notify me when you enter my office. You freaked me out.” “Sorry daddy” answered back the little girl as she looks at her feet, feeling guilty for doing something wrong. Her father smiled as he saw her looking down and patted her head to make her understand it was okay.
While he was working, Elizabeth looked at her father with admiration. No-one really knows why she has so much admiration and a sort of obsession with William. She always wants to know where her father is and to spend time with him. Her older brother, CC, once asked his mother why Elizabeth would have so much admiration for their father. Mrs.Afton answered that sometimes, to young children, their parents can be their whole world. “But why him? He always looks weird by working until midnight” said CC and his mother laughed.

It’s 3pm, and CC was sitting on the couch, staring at the Fredbear plush his father gave him two years ago “He will be your new friend” had say William when he offered him the bear plush “I’m sure he will have a good soul when you’ll present him to your friends at school”. When CC received the plush, he found his father was acting weird and had a creepy smile. It’s mainly at this moment that he started to think his father was weird, but he still loves him.

One day, the Fredbear plush was stolen by an 11yo kid, who gave it back the next day in the morning. After getting it back, the plush was acting weird: it was saying strange things that could be seen by multiple ways. CC asked his father if it was normal and he told him he will give him back the plush after seeing what could be wrong. Three days later, William gave back the plush to his son, saying there was nothing wrong. As he gave him the toy, CC noticed his father had the same smile as when he received for the first time Fredbear.
CC sighed when he thought again about it, and was interrupted by a big noise behind him, which made him startled. He turned around and saw someone wearing a red fox mask with big teeth, resulting to the child to step back of fear.
The fox guy took off his mask, revealing Michael, laughing at his brother. “You should have seen your head!” Michael was even more laughing after saying this. His younger brother was terrified and Michael looked up at him. “Oh c’mon lil’ bro, it was just a joke! I wasn’t planning to hurt you or anything!” CC was still scared and a tear began to dry on his cheek. Michael rolled his eyes and went back to his room.

The next day, when Michael went back to middle school, he gave the three other masks to his friends to create a sort of “gang mask”. The group found very funny to scare people around, but it went further... They started to bully people for their own fun. Michael was the leader and they were all feared by the other students. Of course, they all learned to pretend being little angels in front of teachers and parents. At least, it pretty well worked for Michael because his father had money and because he had great marks at school, which made the professors doubt that he was a trouble maker. About his friends, it was harder but they still managed to pretend and making sure nobody is denouncing them.

Even though Michael was bullying people, he refused to bully his sister Elizabeth because William would probably immediately trust her, no matter if there’s proves or not.

CC tried to telling to his parents about Michael and his friends bullying him and other people, and of course, it did not work. Mrs.Afton said she didn’t have any proves about it, and William thinks CC is exaggerating and plus, he doesn’t have the time to confirm what his son is saying.

Of course, Elizabeth was witnessing sometimes the bullying, but kept her mouth close she’s thinking Michael is just pranking CC. The little girl also knows that her brother is crying for almost everything, and not going to lie that she follows her father’s opinion about this.

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