Fifty-five: and in the end

Start from the beginning

Time skip

The wedding was already starting in a little bit and I was in my room, my make up was been touched up and my hair being the way that I wanted. I looked in the mirror and saw Penelope crying.

I turned around to hug her. She kissed my cheek and cried hysterically.

"I-I remember when I f-first met you and-and you blew me away at your skills! I love you so much!" She squealed into my shoulder while stuttering. I smiled and notice that my two other bridesmaids were in the room.

"I remember when Garcia barged into my room showing me the newbie. Penelope was talking about you for weeks before you even came here." JJ said with a smile. I opened my arm out for her to join the hug.

"I remember you came into the conference room with a frown and then telling me about Spencer and bragging to everyone that he was your boyfriend." Emily said with a chuckle as I opened my other arm out for her to join the hug as well.

We all cried a little bit as we hugged one another. Eventually the girls let go and they all had a big smile on their faces.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Alright, baby girl, princess, mamas and little lady, y'all ready?" Morgan said while opening the door. I smiled at him as he did a once over.

"Little lady becoming a big girl. I'll have to figure out a new name for ya." He said with a smile. I chuckled as he came over and gave me a hug and kiss on the head.

"You look great." He whispered and Garcia came over, gripping his arm like a raft.

I smiled at him as they walked out. I noticed Hotch and Ethan also at the door waiting to head out with Emily and JJ. They walked out one by one giving me happy smiles.

I sigh as I was now alone again. My dress was very pretty. It had flower designs on the rim of the dress along with shoulder sleeves and a nice flower design around the waist of it.

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I spun around feeling all giddy inside. I felt like a princess. It was fun. A little girl always dreams of their wedding day but it's different when it happens. Especially not knowing if it was a mistake or not.

That question always got to me.

Is this the right choice?

It ate at me inside. I felt guilty for thinking that but I'm an irrational person. My mind fogged up until I hear a knock at my door.

I walked over and opened it up to see Gideon waiting for me. I smiled but apparently Gideon thought it wasn't a real smile.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Damn profilers.

"Nothing"I said and walked out the door. He gave me a 'really?' Look. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"It's just. How do I know I'm making the right decision? Spencer told me, more times than one, that over 64% of marriages end in divorce and I was scared that all this is going to be a waste and-" I was cut off with Gideon putting his finger over my mouth to shush me from my rambling.

"Y/n, I wouldn't have told Spencer to ask you out if I thought this was a waste of time. I know Spencer and I know he loves you. And when I tell you this wouldn't be a waste of time, I mean it." He told me sternly. Honestly I was scared to disagree with him.

"Thanks for playing match maker, Gideon" I said with a smile.

"Please, call me Jason." He told me. I nodded and we walked outside to the doors leading me to Spencer.

"You sure" I asked while looking back at him. He nodded.

"I know that Spencer's statistics aren't wrong, but with you two? I think that 64% don't stand a chance." He told me. I smiled as the Music started to play.

I hooked my arm with Gideons as we walked. My face turned into a wide grin as I saw everyone. I try to focus on myself not tripping on my dress as I held it in one hand. Gideon and I walked slow so I didn't fall. I looked up to see Spencer in his sexy suit.

I couldn't complain, he looked hot. He was wearing a black button up with a gray and black sweater vest with black pants.

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(Sorry for a Bad description, but you can change it if you want)

I looked to see the maids of honor smiling and groomsmen grinning as well. Spencer's mom was sitting in the front row crying and I saw the Bellerose family on Spencers side. It was the dad and mom, siblings and some sisters.

My friends, Gabi, Belle, Gianna, Cassidy, Janelle and Olivia. (These are my real friends) were all squealing as I walked by. I smiled at them and we arrived at the steps to get to Spencer.

He had tears in his eyes as he looked at me. I tried my best to blink away my tears as a couple slipped out. He held out my hand as Gideon let go. I kissed Jason on the cheek sweetly as I held Spencer's hands.

I was now face to face with him, hand in hand as the words of the wedding officiant talked. I noticed Haley in a dark purple dress holding Jack's hand as he came down with the rings. I smiled at them as she handed the rings to Spencer and I. The officiant turned to Spencer.

"Spencer Reid, do you take, Y/n Y/l/n, to be your wedded wife. Do you promise to stay by her side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health." The officiant said. Tears welled up in Spencer's eyes as we looked at each other.

"I do" he replied. The officient than turned to me.

"Do you, Y/n Y/l/n, take, Spencer Reid, to be your wedded husband. Do you promise to stay by his side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health." He asked.

"I do."I told him. I was making more than a statement, I was making a promise.

Even if things end up badly, and I leave him or he leaves me or we go our separate ways, I'll still love him. Like that old saying, he's ruined other men for me. Cause know one can compare to him.

As a officiant told us we could put our rings on each other, the tears we're now messing up my make up.

"You may now kiss the bride." The officiant said. Spencer grinned and cupped my face with both hands as he pulled me to him, kissing him.

This was more than a kiss, it was the most passionate, Electric, hungry and Earth shattering kiss. It's cliché but true. All my memories with Spencer flashed before me. The good, the bad, the love, the sad. All of it.

And I wouldn't change a thing

The end

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