Twenty-six: hospital

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                           Spencer's pov:

I was in the conference room of the police station. I, of course, had to stay because the relationship policy and it was Y/n's turn to go. JJ kept me Company as we made small talk.

It's been about an hour of waiting and we get a call from Hotch and notifications from the team.

"Reid and JJ get to the Elliot Hospital, Y/n's been shot..." Hotch said.

My heart seemed to stop.


"What?!" I replied in the middle of his statement. JJ rushed around to get her things as I sat there in shock.

'This cannot be happening, right?' I thought as I blankly ran to the SUV.

On the way to the hospital, I could only think of the worst. All the statistics of survival, all the scenarios. JJ drove with the siren on.

'What am I gonna do without her?'

                               Time skip

We pulled up the the hospital, The car wasn't even parked when I got out and ran to the entrance.

"Y/n Y/l/n." I told the receptionist. She frowned before telling me, "She's still in surgery sir, but we can give you hourly check ups and you can wait in the waiting room."

I huffed before seeing Morgan, Elle, Gideon and Hotch come up towards me from where they were sitting. We all walked over.

"What happened." I asked. They all sighed before telling me.

"We all split up, Y/n and Gideon went one way while the rest went the other. We think Y/n went into the room Peter was in and got knocked out from behind. Next thing we know she's pulling Peter down to the ground while he shoots her and the lower abdomen and thigh. She saved Gideons life." Hotch said.

I huffed. 'Why couldn't I have gone? Why couldn't Y/n have gone the other way?' All the 'What if's' and 'Why didn't's' go through my head. But the only person we could blame was Peter. He was the unsub.

After a while, the doctor that was doing Y/n's surgery came out. We all stood up in quickly walk over to her.

"Alright, Y/n will be fine. She'll have some healing to do and at least six weeks for healing and four off the field. She'll probably be back to normal soon." The Doctor said. We all sighed in relief.

"What's her room number? Can we see her?" I asked quickly. She smiled and nodded before telling me she was in room 231. I ran down the hall. I was happy that she was alive and can see another day.

Y/n's pov:

The first thing I saw when I woke up was a blinding light. The first thought in my head was, 'am I dead?' The answer was no, I was not dead. Cause I felt a warm hand in my hand.

I squinted my eyes open to see a sleeping Spencer. He was holding my hand while curled up in a uncomfortable hospital chair. I looked around to fine only him in the room.

I tried to yawn but felt a Sting in my abdomen. I looked down to see a hospital blanket. I flexed all my muscles when it stung, including my hands.

Spencer felt the differences immediately and shot up from his sleeping position. He looked at me with a smile and tears in his eyes.

'Guess I almost died.' I thought to myself.

I smiled back before Spencer gently cupped my chin, be bent down and connected our chapped lips. It was sweet and passionate. I missed these kisses. Lately they've been hungry kisses, I'm not complaining though.

"I thought you where dead." He said softly. A tear slipped out and fell down his cheeks. I wiped it away.

"I'm not." I reassured him. He smiled and kissed my lips one more time. I sighed, but when I did I felt the pain in my abdomen again. Spencer looked at me with a sad expression.

"Do you want any painkillers? Or food? Or a nurse?" He asked. I asked for the nurse. He nodded and went to the hallway.

The couple seconds I was alone, I felt unsafe. I started to panic. The heart monitor started to buzz. Nurses and doctors came rushing in, Spencer right behind them.

They checked everything before deciding it was just a panic attack. A couple of them asked me questions before leaving, The nurse Spencer tried to get gave me some pain medication then left.

Spencer sat down next to me, I looked at him. He smiled. I smiled back. My eyes started to fall droopy. I yawned and this time it didn't hurt.

"You sleepy?" Spencer asked. I nodded. He chuckled and kissed my four head.

"Goodnight bumblebee, I love you." He said softly. I smiled and got into a comfortable position.

"Goodnight Spence, I love you more." I replied, he giggled and reached for my hand. He grabbed it and squeezed it before letting me fall asleep.

An: short chapter but the next ones gonna be interesting :)

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