Jemily chapter 5

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Emily's Pov

I woke up in some dark room and tied to chair. When I tried to untie myself I hear a voice. "Look, the bitch is awake." An unknown man said "Who are you? And what do you want from me?" I shout at him "I want you to suffer." He said and laughed "Why?" I asked him, but instead of respond he slap me across the face three times, then he turn around and started to walk away, I said to him "You are fucking heartless coward.". Then he turn around, untie me, picked up baseball bat. After that he started smashing me with the baseball and I it hurts so much, I can't even move. After 2 hours of torturing, he tie me to chair again and leave room. Every place on my body hurts so fucking much. He seemed to be so angry.

JJ's Pov

We are searching for nearly 5 hours now, and we don't have anything. I can't stop crying, I hope Emily is alright. "I think I got something." Garcia said to us "What's that?" Hotch asked "I found one guy, his name is Clark White. He was arrested because of brutal rape and torture of one woman named Georgina Hope." Garcia said "Is he own something?" Morgan asked "That's the problem he, and his family don't own anything." Garcia said while looking at us. "It doesn't even need to be him." Elle said with a sad tone of voice. "Garcia keep searching. Me, Derek and Rossi are going to talk to Georgina and her family." Hotch said and they leave the conference room.

Emily's Pov

I'm in big pain. He keep punching, cutting, stabbing, slapping me. I don't know how long I can stay alive. He comes here every two hours and torture me so much. I can't fight him back he's to strong. "How are you, you filthy slut?" He yelled, I open my mouth to answer but what stops me, is that he has a whip with him now. "Oh. You looking at this" he showed me the whip "You are going to regret for what you caused to Will!" He yelled "W-what?" I said very weakly "You steal Jennifer from him, and now you will die here bitch. And they will be together again." He said and smashed me with whip. "If you will never comes to the team, Will and Jennifer will be happily married with so much kids." He said with a rage in his voice. "Who are you?" I asked him after minutes of silence he said "I'm Clark White or should I say Clark LaMontagne?" He said while smashing me with the whip. I finally remembered who it is. "You are Will's cousin." I said "Yes, I'm." He said and another torturing session started.

JJ's Pov

When Hotch, Derek and Rossi returned they tell us what they found out. After a minutes of silence, we hear Garcia's loud gasp. "What's going on Babygirl?" Morgan asked her "Clark White isn't Clark White." She said. We all raised our eyebrows looking at her. "His true name is Clark LaMontagne. He is Will's cousin." She said, and everyone starts looking at me. I don't recognize him. "Okay, it can be like this. After JJ broke up with Will, she started relationship with Emily. And when Clark found out about it. He gets angry at Emily so he wants to kill her now. Because she caused his cousin a heartbreak." Reid said "Reid's right." Ashley said. "That bastard if we will find him I swear I will kill him with my bare hands." I yelled. I want to kill Will and Clark so much right now. "Maybe I've got the address Clark' dad Richard LaMontagne owns a warehouse in South Carolina. "That's must be place. Get ready we must get there ASAP." Hotch said and everyone rush out of the conference room.

Emily's Pov
Three hours later

It hurts everywhere and I don't know how much longer I can take it. Clark comes to me with a gun now. "It's time for you to die. Whores like shouldn't be on this world." He pointed gun at my head and puts his finger on trigger. And that was the moment when Morgan kicked down the door. "FBI, Clark LaMontagne put the gun down." He still pointing gun at my head. "Get the fuck out of here. She breaks Will's heart. She stole Jennifer from him." Clark yells at them. And after a moment JJ comes to him. "Clark I swear if you put the gun down and let Emily live. I will come back to Will and broke up with Emily." JJ said and everyone looking at her with wide eyes, but I know what she's trying to do. "Really?" He said "Yes." She said Clark starts slowly putting gun down. "No, this is just a trick." He yelled and again points the gun at my head and finger on trigger. But before he can shoot me, JJ shot him like seven times and he fell down. JJ run to me with tears streaming from her eyes. I can see regret, worry and love in those beautiful ocean eyes, but before I said anything I blacked out.

JJ's Pov
Four hours later

"Family of Emily Prentiss." Doctor said and we all stood up " Emily came here with many broken ribs and some internal bleeding, but she will be completely regenerated in like four weeks." Doctor said and I let out a huge sigh of relief. Love of my life isn't dead. I said to myself. "Can we see her?" I ask doctor. "Yes, she's in room 131." Doctor said and walked away. "Thanks." I said and practically started running to room 131.

Emily's Pov

I just get out of surgery and waiting for my team. After 1 minute. JJ came to my room with tears in her eyes. She run to side of the bed and hug me tightly. "Emily. I'm so sorry. I messed up so much. We don't need to get married. We can stay like this forever, but please forgive me. I love you so much I can't lose you." She said "Of course I forgive you Jen. I love you so much to not forgive you." I said and we kissed with passion and love fully kiss. When the rest of the team comes to the room. We talked for nearly four hours. I'm not paying so much attention to the conversation, because I thought about how sexy it will be when one day JJ will come to someone and say 'Hello. I'm Jennifer Prentiss.' JJ clearly wants to be married and why am I even scared of marriage? JJ will never cheat on me. I need to marry her, yes I need to buy a ring and propose to her.

When everyone (except for JJ of course) left the room. Me and JJ are laying in hospital bed and cuddling. "Oh my god!" I yelled "What's going on? Do you need something? Should I call doctor?" JJ asked me already getting up from bed "No, chill Jayje. I only thought about I need to wait for four weeks before I can have sex with you again." I said and JJ laughs and then lean closer to my ear and whispered "Don't worry. It will be the most hot sex, what you ever going to have in your life." JJ whispered. Oh my god. I need to survive those four weeks.

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