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I ended up with eleven chapters instead of ten because of yeah, too many ideas ;)


Two years passed quickly, making the love story between Jumin and Dani remained as a history. Their crisis with Mint Eye had ended with minimal injuries. Except for Rika who was still in the mental institution with V and Yoosung became her regular visitors, things had started to go back to normal.

At least, that was what Seven wanted them to believe. At times, it was apparent that he tried hard to be happy as his dark circles betrayed him. Everyone assumed that it was because SaeRan still did not recover well from his mental illness.

Jumin had released an official statement that he broke up with Dani, after discussing the matter with the girl. He had learned a lot and this time, he did not want the decision for their relationship revolved around him. After taking time to sort out his emotions, he managed to work the things out.

He never explored in deep what she had thought after their fight in the hospital. He was afraid that his decision would be wavered by whatever she honestly felt.

His weakness was still her after all.

True to form, the break up news had swept all the public attention to both of them and Jumin had taken everything necessary to protect her. Being no longer in a romantic relationship with him did not guarantee that her private life and career would not be affected. Following Jumin's advices, Dani would decline any request for interviews about her personal life.

They did not take a long time to be friends again and not just as fellow RFA members who only talked about organizing a charity party. Their calm approach to each other had made it possible and they were glad that they still could work together and talk casually without any unsettled resentment. The only thing that would remain the same regardless their relationship was how Dani was the only one who laughed at Jumin's jokes; something that the rest of them had grown accustomed to.

They never knew but other RFA members highly respected their maturity. They could even talk on the messenger with just two of them. They never avoided each other and sometimes when their conversations led to emotional directions, they ended up apologizing and thanking each other.

Apologizing for their flaws and how poor they handled their situations back then...

Thanking for their sweet memories together and the fact that they had something to learn from each other...

The messenger continued to be active with their usual antics; ZEN's selfies, Yoosung's LOLOL, Seven's trolls, Jaehee who was always done with their absurdism, Jumin's stories about his business trips and Elizabeth the 3rd...

Yes, being with RFA had became Dani's big part of life that she would never give up. They had become her instant family who was always there for her.

She was so happy with her life right now and that was also what Jumin had admitted as well.

Yet, their friendship was the cause for one more frustration for ZEN.

Seeing Jumin and Dani got along well without being aware of how much they understood and looked at each other was so disappointing.

He never acknowledged it but ZEN grew to have a soft spot for Jumin . Two years ago, he opposed their relationship because it seemed too one-sided with Jumin made all the decisions. He despised the man's stubborness to 'imprison' Dani in his house. He thought that Jumin was just selfish and out of his mind.

But, after seeing just how much they could sacrifice for each other, ZEN had a new reason to encourage their relationship again.

That was why, currently in the midst of the RFA party, he knew that day was the best chance. A lot of guests had expressed their interest in Dani so...

Because I Love You (Mystic Messenger fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ