87) Adopted ! ❤️🌎 (scar)

Start from the beginning

" Oo thanks " was her only reply .

"You were in the NICU. And such a teeny tiny thing." I smiled a little at the memory of holding my baby girl for the first time .

" but how can 10 months be so small ?" She asked. .

"Your mom had been high and she forgot to take care of you. You were so malnourished." I said calmly .

"I mean you were sick and I don't like that. But it was the first time I saw you. And the first time I got to hold you, the doctors wanted you to have some skin on skin contact. So when I came in that day I held you."i added .

" Ok mom thanks . " Y/n said with teary eyes. She asked " did u feed me or put me on formulas ?"

I smiled that she was eager to know .

"In the beginning I got breast milk from another woman, who had to much. But I also used medicine that helped me to produce my own, so I could nurse you." I said . She looked at me calmly. I smiled at her and opened my arms offering her a hug. But she stood there and sobbed.

" Did u feed me ?" She asked

"Yeah I did. As soon as the adoption papers went through i started nursing you." I smiled again. "And you started to grow and be healthy again. After a few weeks with me, you finally started to lift your head and move a little more." I smiled at the sweet memory of mine with my daughter .

"It was rough you had been so malnourished and It took us so long but when you were three you were finally at the same level as your peers. And I watched you run around and laugh and babble all day long." I said to cherish my memories with her .

" u did so much for me , and I don't deserve a mom like u . I am sorry for what I said . I feel shitty rn . I am sorry mom . Please for give me " she cried.
" aww mama . I wanna know more about it mom" she said wiping my tears but they again fall. I ran to her and pulled her into a big hug . I picked her up in my arms .

"I'll tell you all about it. I'll tell whatever you want to hear." I said kissing her head .

" mama what was my first word ? I wanna hear everything mama . I am so curious " she said . I picked her up and sat down on bed . I placed her beside me .

"I love you baby . Sit down love. I'll get something. I promise you'll like it." I said and brought a big box of memories .

" what's that mom ?" She asked as I entered the room .

"This is where I keep all the important memories with you." I pulled out something.

"Now this." I showed her a picture of ten months old her on my stomach

" I showed her  a picture of ten months old her on my stomach

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"was the day we met. U were too small "

She had a smile on her face .

"You were so tiny and when the doctors told me your story I knew that you were meant to be mine."i said kissing her head .

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