Chp. 16 - Visitors

Start from the beginning

"It's the wonders of technology Geno, even I can't really explain... Especially since it's not really in my department."
Comyet chuckled softly and Error was just staring in awe.
"Ms. Comyet, can this be uhh... Pr.. Pinted..." "Printed out?" "Yeah!"
"Of course, tomorrow, I'll be back with this printed out."
Comyet couldn't help but laugh at Error smiling brightly. "Print?" Fresh was just confused.
"You'll see Fresh! I've seen this printing things happen before!"

,,It's surely cool if you seem to like it!" Geno cheered, jumping up and down in one place.
He coughed shortly, before clearing his throat and continued.
"It is." Error grinned before covering his mouth to stifle a yawn.
Fresh then glanced towards the ponds and then walked over and just began to watch them.
Comyet just humming before almost showing Ink the piccy.
Ink was smiling at the picture and holding a thumb up, before he looked at the CQ-brothers.
Geno was jumping around energetic, a wide grin on his face.


Opening the door and walking through, Error went straight towards the couch and sat down, Fresh just rushing besides Error and sitting besides him before clinging to him.
Error glitching a bit in surprise before glaring down at the child in mock annoyance.

Geno joined Fresh in excitement and clung onto Error too, grinning at his brother happily.
Ink blinked and stared at the three, before giggling and shacking his head slightly.

Error then whined at the hugs, too many hugs!
Comyet just laughing softly and taking a little sneaky pic of them... How many is that now, fifteen?
Yeaaah she takes a lot of secret pics.

Geno giggled at his brother and gave him pats, while Ink sat down beside Fresh.
The kid patted Error even more, when a loud, long ,,Meeeooooooow!" screamed from the door and something scratched loudly against the door.
Confused perked Ink up. ,,...Vous n'avez pas de chat, n'est-ce pas?" He asked, looking at Error.

Error tilted his skull in confusion as Comyet stood up. "Ink asked if you had any cats."
"Oh... No. We do not, nor do we have the money to buy one or get food for them." Error sheepishly said.
"Let go of me." Error whined, managing to squirm out and rush towards Comyet as the door then opened.
The two looking down at... A bunch of... Cats....?

,,Miau." One cat meowed, all of them having a soft fur, sometimes a bit longer, sometimes a bit shorter.
The weird thing about the cats was, that they all had light blue scarfs around their necks. ,,Ngiyaw!"
Another one meowed and suddenly all the cats came rushed into the house.
Some of them jumped at Error or pressed themselves purring against him.

Error stumbled back a bit in surprise, a little 'eep' escaping his lips as he fell on his bum.
"Error! Are you okay?" Comyet asked in surprise, looking at the cats in confusion, there's like... Around five?
"Error, are you sure they aren't yours?"

"Nope." Error was also just as confused, slowly wrapping his arms around the purring cats, somehow though, he seems to have relaxed more while Fresh curiously watched them.
"What even are they?" "Weren't you listening? They're cats, Fresh."
"Cats? Like those.... Weird tiny animal thingies in one of Geno's magic box games thingy?" "Yep."

,,They look soooo weeeeird..." Geno said and looked at the cats with a wide eyesocket.
,,I've never seen a real cat before in my life!" The child said then, watching as the cats cuddled onto Error.

"They're pretty common around the neighborhood, that, and dogs."
Comyet chuckled while Error yelped as he ended up on the floor.
"Nooo! I'm under a pile of cats! Help! They're too fluffy!"
Error yelled as he tried to get out of the pile of cats, only to squeak and starting to giggle when two began to lick his face. "Noooo."

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