Chapter 20

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"Where did she go?" North asked jumping up from his chair looking around. "Where is she?" He opened the well-worn out piece of paper she tossed at him and growled reading the poem that was clearly written years ago:

Someday you'll cry from me

Like I cried for you

Someday you'll miss me

Like I missed you

Someday you'll need me

Like I needed you

Someday you'll love me

But I wont love you

"She's on the dance floor," Silas said watching her move through the crowd dancing to the music. "She's moving towards the door. She's leaving."

"I'll go try talking to her," Luke said as he headed to where Silas was pointing. The guys started following to try and help if possible. Luke saw her leave the building and quickly chased after her down the sidewalk. "Jasmine please wait!"

"What Lucian?" she asked refused to slow down as she kept walking. "I have nothing to say to you or your brother."

"Cupcake, please," He said getting in front of her effectively stopping her. He held his hands up to show he only wanted to talk to her. "Talk to me, please."

"There is nothing to say," She shook her head. "Please move out of the way."

"Please Jazzy," He said and she sighed in irritation, "I just want to make sure you are okay."

"You can see that I am fine," She rolled her eyes, "now move Lucian."

"No, you aren't Jazzy," He shook his head seeing the team come up behind her. "You passed out at work then climbed out of the third floor of our place and ran away. You are running from something. Is it us? Is it someone else? What's going on Jasmine? Come on talk to me, please? You know you can tell me anything. What is going on?"

"Lucian just stop," She shook her head. She looked at him with pleading eyes, "Just let me go."

"No Cupcake," he shook his head, his eyes burned with determination. "I've been looking for you all these years and just found you again. I won't lose you again."

"Why?" She asked throwing her hands up in the air. "Why do I matter so much to you? Why won't you just leave me alone? Why won't you let me go?"

"Because you are my Cupcake," He admitted softly. "I've missed you."

"I'm no one's anything, Lucian," She glared at him. "Your brother made that perfectly clear. I'm a half blood Luke, did he tell you that? I'm still mortal, I have fresh blood flowing inside of me. I will never be good enough for anyone, I get that now. No matter what I do, I will never be anyone's anything. I'm sure he told you what he did, right? He rejected me, Lucian."

"But I didn't," Luke shook his head and she looked at him bewildered. "I don't care what you are. It doesn't matter to me that you are half-blood. I didn't reject you, Jasmine, neither did the rest of us."

"What the fuck are you talking about, Lucian?"

"You are my beloved Jasmine," Luke admitted making her gasp. She shook her head and he nodded, "All of us share one beloved, you aren't just North's, you are also mine and the rest of the guys. The rejection didn't work anyway."

"Bull fucking shit," She scoffed. "You are lying. I felt the pain. I felt my heart break into a million pieces and soul be crushed. Quit lying to me."

"I have never lied to you Jasmine, I would never do that to you and you know it," Luke growled, upset by the insult, "Never. Why would I start now?"

"Because," She shook her head, "Because you are trying to..."

"To what?" Luke asked raising an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. "What would I gain by telling you something other than the truth? You are my family's beloved, even mine. You are my Cupcake, Jazzy."

She walked over to Luke, cupped his jaw in his hand and smiled sadly, "As beautiful as that was, Lucian, it's just not true. Maybe years back when we were friends and the both of you thought I was mortal I would have believed you but not anymore. You may believe in that stuff and its sweet that you do, but I don't. I accepted the truth many years ago. I have accepted who I am a long time ago, I have no beloved and I'm okay with that." She sighed, "It was nice seeing you again after all this time Lucian," She kissed his cheek then backed away into the street.

"Wait!" Luke and North called out at the same time just as a bus sped past. Once it was gone, they realized the street and sidewalk on the other side was empty. She was gone once more.

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