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I am sorry for the delay. I know I had a deadline to meet but my Final exams came two weeks early and I had to study. It was a matter of life and death! But look, I passed everything! Yay. Anyways we finally made it here so there's no need to dwell on my—ehem—2 month lateness.

Warning: Dark themes and something else...

This ending might disappoint you but that's okay.

I encourage you to read everything, down to the punctuation marks. Don't skip. Everything matters, every line and every word. I had placed them in there for a reason. Skipping parts would destroy the story for you.


I thought a lot about the first line and I've decided to take one from my own short story. This one's from me.

Here we go, love. Take a deep breath...


The Final Chapter part 1

And he once had a gaping hole in his chest, but not anymore.



A bomb. A weapon of mass destruction set to explode in the underground vaults where precious things were stored. It were clever. Magic wouldn't have stood a chance.

She would never have suspected him to have thought of something so ordinary, so completely unlike him. But then again, that was just how he operated. She could never understand how his mind worked. He had been here only a while ago, showing his concern for her after Lila Rossi had completely destroyed her medicine. Marinette felt a horrible sensation in her gut and a strong urge to throw up. A while later, she was retching all the contents of her stomach onto the floor.

Reality had finally crashed down on her, shocking her to the core. The Denovorum was gone. Dennis was going to die, and Damian... Damian had betrayed her to run off with Hawkmoth's followers.

It was unfair that such horrible things had happened all at once. She couldn't understand why Damian would betray her like that. Had he been planning this from the beginning? He had made a promise to her, had assured her that he wouldn't kill anyone anymore. He hadn't killed Lila because of that promise.

Perhaps he wasn't really betraying her. Perhaps he just wanted to keep her away from harm. But she knew this was all wishful thinking. Nothing she did seemed to silence the thoughts in her head but at least her thoughts were a fine distraction from reality.

The more she thought, the less she heard the screams from below.

She paced around the laboratory, Lila's miraculous in hand. Damian had taken her earrings, but by sheer dumb luck he'd forgotten about Rossi's. Marinette had been so relieved to have found the miraculous. She'd had no second thoughts prying it from Lila's perfectly-manicured, unconscious hands.

But the odds were against her. Damian had planned that she stay here, and he had planned it well. The lock wouldn't work— nothing would. She was stuck here until he reversed whatever Dark arts he had placed around the perimeter. There was nothing she could do but send Tikki to find Alya and spend the next few minutes waiting in silence.

She soon realized the flaw in her plan, thinking that maybe Alya had his hands full with Akumas, and as a consequence she'd take a long time getting here. Or maybe she was injured... or maybe she hadn't gotten Tikki, or maybe she had, had...

Ugh. This was maddening. Pretty soon, she couldn't ignore the screams anymore. She let out an anxious groan and slammed her shoulder against the door of the laboratory repeatedly, knowing that it wouldn't budge no matter how many times she tried to force it open.

Sequel to IRONYWhere stories live. Discover now