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Are you there?


What aren't you replying??

Say something




Hello? *pokes you* 


You there??

It seems you aren't


Ok then you won't talk to me now? The one's who did talk, you are great! And the ones who didn't---

Well just read the story, talk to me later!!~


"Oh there are a lot of amazing healers, researchers and Unexhibitables here at the Department of medicine Research and Development, but none of them could ever be compared to healer Dupain Cheng. She's all that and so much more!" said the rather short, mousey haired boy in front of him. Dennis bougart, was it?

Damian continued to listen. "She can do almost everything! She discovered that Dragonscale leaves have more than 5 uses, then she found a cure for the black beetle stings which killed a lot of people centuries ago, she translated the runes of Ancient Mythology and had them rewritten and memorized and let's not forget the Denovorum! Sweet Merlin, I suppose you know about that one already, though—it's very hard to make!"

His brown eyes flashed excitement and admiration as he addressed Marinette as some kind of Demigoddess sent from the heavens. "She's also very compassionate too! Did you know she's fighting for the freedom of house-elves and squib rights as well? She's so amazing!"

"Glad to hear that, Dennis. I was a little worried that she wasn't capable of finishing the Denovorum," he said.

It was obviously a lie. Of course he had no doubts that Marinette could finish the medicine with her eyes closed, but he had to tell this boy something to get him to talk.

"Worry no more, Mr. Damian!" Dennis beamed at him, fondling the sthethoscope in his hands. "She could do it in a heartbeat! She's the best!"

I know.

"You seem to like her a lot," Damian stated plainly, trying his best to hide his irritation. He knew Bougart wasn't really a threat but he felt annoyed with him anyway.

"Yes, I'm her number one fan," the boy said, puffing his chest to show him how proud he was. "I took the internship here because of her."

"Really now?" He pretended to sound interested, and then he motioned for Bougart to follow him. "That's a nice sthethoscope you have there."

"Yeah... it's my brother's."

Damian didn't fail to see the sad, haunted look in his eyes. He smirked inwardly.

"So tell me more about healer Dupain Cheng..."


Everyone was frantic at work today. They were on their best behavior, wearing their best suits, and doing their very best. Marinette openly stared, dumbfounded, as her co-workers rushed about, actually doing their work and being productive. On ordinary days they would just lounge around and gossip about this or that, but today it was completely different.

She felt like she was in an alternate universe.

"Did—did I miss something?" Marinette asked Mylene, who was standing beside her as she stared at the productive chaos. "Am I in heaven?"

Sequel to IRONYWhere stories live. Discover now