Chapter 9

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Victor's POV

It was finally time to go back. I don't think being home is good for my mental health.

I was glad to be going back. A little scared. I'm going to see Henry for the first since the thing.

Me and Ophelia were quiet in the car for about 30 minutes. She had her music playing.

"So how was your weekend I didn't really see you" Ophelia finally broke the silence, like she usually does when we sit in silence.

"Yeah sorry about that I had to get out". I felt bad for being such a distant friend but I needed so desperately to get out.

"It's ok" she said looking back down at her hands. She started playing with her ring.

"You ever gonna get rid of that thing"

She took a deep breath and looked back up at me. "Leave me alone Victor"

"I'm just saying it's been 5 months"

"Yeah but I still miss him... he made me feel a way that I had never felt before and I haven't felt since" she paused. "If that makes any sense" she continued before I could reply.

Oliver gave her that ring a month after they started dating. He was an asshole really, but I always figured she had been blinded by love.

Her situation growing up made her really vulnerable. Once you figured out her ways it was easy to manipulate her. Something that many men had taken advantage of in the past.

"He was an asshole and you know that. That ring was the only nice thing he ever did for you."

"Wow your hatred for him is so big that you will curse to express it"

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes at her.

"He was alright he was just a little shy around you and Henry" She was looking out of the window now.

"His 'shyness' wasn't the problem" he wasn't shy, he didn't like me or Henry. He didn't like how much time she would spend with us.

"I know" she still wouldn't look at me.

"How was your weekend. Was everything alright with Elizabeth" I know I said I would wait till I got home so Henry could hear as well, but I'm just gonna get her reaction and we'll talk about the rest later.

"Um it was okay" she laughed...

"No problems" I asked her. "No everything was chill"

"Okay that's good"

It took us 3 hours to get back. I dropped Ophelia off at her apartment and I headed towards Henry's place.

My pretty boy (Henry Clerval x Victor Frankenstein)Where stories live. Discover now