Chapter 4

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Victor POV

I looked over at the clock and it was 5 in the morning. I hadn't been able to sleep all night, I never thought I would be pulling an all nighter for anything that wasn't staying up making that horrible creature.

It was earlier than I had expected but I wanted to just get to Geneva and get it over with. I grabbed my phone and called Ophelia.

"Hello" I heard Ophelia sounding like she has just woken up, like she was still half asleep.

"Hey Ophelia I'm just gonna get ready and I'll pick you up I think i'll be there in about 40 minutes" I heard her move around in her bed. "Okay cool see you".

I was about to hang up but l remembered that Henry had been at her apartment late last night. "Um is Henry with you or should I call him too". There was a small pause, I wasn't sure she had heard me.

As I was about to repeat what I had said she finally spoke again "Right about that, he said he isn't going to be able to come with us".

Fuck "Oh ok alright... um see you in 40 minutes bye"

After she said "bye bye" I hung up.

I knew that Henry had a least thought about not coming but I didn't think he would actually end up not coming. I feel bad, of course I wanted him to come with me. I don't care about what happened, Henry is one of my best friends and I need him right now. I really hope my reaction didn't do anything to push him away.

I started getting ready and packing my bags but I couldn't stop thinking about Henry. He has been my best friend since elementary school and I didn't know. I can't help but wonder if I ever actually knew him.

I mean I don't have romantic feelings towards him. I am straight. Even if I did want to be romantically involved with Henry I can't. I made a mess 2 years ago that I need to sort out first. Then I can worry about a romantic life. And then there is Elizabeth. It was my mothers dying wish that I marry Elizabeth and I made a promise to her.

When I had finished packing my bags and my trail of thought it was 5:30. I put on my coat grabbed my keys and bags and left my house.

I arrived at Ophelia's apartment complex at exactly 5:40.

"Hello" I heard her say through the phone.

"Hey I'm outside Ophelia"

"Ok I'm on my way" and she hung up the phone.


"I knew you were gonna bring your black truck, when are you going to let me in your white car again" she said as soon as she opened the door to the truck.

"I will it will happen soon enough don't worry" I said with a weak smile.

"Okay whatever sure, can I play some music" she rolled her eyes at me.


After "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" so many finished playing I turned the volume down.

"Can I ask you something" I wanted to ask Ophelia about Henry but I didn't know if she would tell me. She isn't one to go around telling other peoples secrets... unless it's me and Henry she will tell us what other people tell her. But if I have a secret from Henry or Henry has one from me she won't say anything. It's one of the reasons I love her so much but it is a little stressful when I am trying to figure out something Henry is keeping from me.

She sighed "Only because Henry said it was fine for me to talk about it".

"Okay then can you just tell me everything"

"Where do you want me to start" she said finally looking at me

"I don-"

"VICTOR Mr. Brightside is playing what if we just listen to this song and then I can talk to you" she interrupted reaching to turn the volume back up

"OPHELIA NO this is your playlist you are going to want to listen to all the songs and by the time we are done we are going to be in Geneva" I said grabbing her hand. And I paused the song for her because she doesn't have spotify premium.

"He told me our second year... well the summer between our first and second year."

"That he was gay or about me"

"He told me he was gay like 2 weeks before he told me about you"

"And you two have just kept that from me for a year and a half"

"Well I mean he didn't exactly say he liked you he kinda brought it up we both knew he did, he just never confirmed it."

"I am not sure if that makes it better".

"Yeah sorry but Victor you have to understand he only told me because I could kinda relate..."

"Okay another very serious question. Did Henry tell you why he didn't want to come"

She took a little pause. "He feels bad Victor. He feels like an asshole. What happened and he still kissed you. He felt like he was gonna be more of a burden than any actual help."

I felt like an asshole.

I really don't care if he kissed me. I was a little shocked at first I have to admit but it was fine, I was only shocked because I wasn't expecting it. I mean the kiss has send me into a full on crisis but I mean that would happened to anyone. But still

I really need him.

"But um he said that if you need him you know where to find him" she continued when she noticed I haven't responded.

"Did he actually say that or are you just saying that to make me feel better" I asked her I felt like she had read my mind.

"He actually said it"

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that is the playlist that Ophelia and Victor listened to.

it's called Victor and Ophelia's Road Trip if the link doesn't work

My pretty boy (Henry Clerval x Victor Frankenstein)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora