Chapter 5

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Ophelia's POV

The trip took 30 minutes more than expected taking us 3 and a half hours to get to Geneva, but finally we were back.

And the first person I see coming out of the house, Elizabeth.

I rolled my eyes and Victor clearly noticed because he mouthed 'behave' looking at me.

'I don't understand her issue with me' I mouthed back.

I never liked her but I didn't make it obvious like she does I was always nice to her. And Victor had told me and Henry that him and Ophelia had grown up as cousins but that his mom had adopted her because she wanted a girl.

So when she was making it painfully obvious how in love she was with Victor I just asked wait aren't you guys cousins and then said ohh after she said yeah. Guess I should have stayed quiet like Henry.

She looooves Henry though. I can't wait till she finds out.

"Ohh Victor" she said with that fake voice she claims is real throwing herself at him. Wrapping her arms around him.

"It's ok Elizabeth everything will be fine" he said petting her hair trying to calm her down.

I think she was crying.

"Hey Elizabeth I'm here too" her and Victor just looked at me.

She looked back at him and he placed his hand on her cheek. I don't think anything Elizabeth and Victor have done has triggered me as much as this.

"Victor they think it was Justine they are blaming Justine for Williams death" she said with her arms still around him.

And I saw Victors shift. He got more serious, more worried. Then all of sudden I started feeling water. Did it start raining?

"Elizabeth let's go inside we wouldn't want to get sick"


There was no one inside the house. Victors other brother was in his room and Victors father was in his office, according to Elizabeth.

"Liz can you take Ophelia to the room she will be staying at I need to go do something" Did he just call her Liz. I know it's not really that special but still it's a nickname.

Victor turned around and left the way we had come in with out letting Elizabeth give a response.

"Let's go"

I followed her. That was something I never expected I would do.

I followed her for what seemed like ages but really it was just two halls and she opened the door to the room I have stayed in every time I have stayed here.

Well after the third time. After the time when me and Elizabeth got on each other's bad side I started staying in the room next to Victor's. I'm not sure if Victor feared I would do something to her or that she would do something to me.

"Victor could have just told me I was staying in the same room as usual and I would have been able to find it" I muttered

"What was that?" Her tone has changed so much from when me and Victor first got here to now. After all she was a fake bitch.

"Oh nothing" I said smiling. "I heard you you know"

"Then why did you ask babe". She rolled her eyes at me "Don't call me that."

"Why did you ask"

"Why do you want to know so badly"

"Why do you like Victor so much"me and her were both shocked by that comment. I don't know what took over me at that moment.

She took a few seconds to process what I had said "I don't know" she finally said.

She seemed upset.

"Sit" I said hitting the space next to me on the bed. And she sat down in the bed next to me.

"Well was there anything he did it said that made you realize that you had a huge crush on him" I continued. "I never said I did"

I sighed "Girl it is so painfully obvious"

"I don't have a crush on him... he is just the only guy I see myself with"

"Well maybe it's not a crush but do at least like him." She looked confused. "Well I don't think so."

I placed my hand on her shoulder making her jump. I was about to resound when I was interrupted by someone knocking at the door.

"Who is it" I yelled even though it was like an option wether I was gonna let them in it was either Victors brother or his father and I was at their house.

"It's Ernest"

"Come in" he has changed a lot since the last time I had seen him.

"Where's Victor" he asked once he had opened the door. He looked shocked I think it was me and Elizabeth sitting next to each other having a conversation.

"He left almost as soon as he arrived" Elizabeth answered

"Ohh okay did he say where he was going" he asked

I noticed that his eyes looked puffy and it seemed like he haven't gotten sleep in ages with those dark circles around his eye.

"No sorry" she responded.

"Okay" and then he left closing the door behind him.

"Well I have to get going to prepare dinner" she said bringing her hands up and then back down to her lap.

"Mr. Frankenstein and Ernest haven't really eaten these past few days I hope they eat more today" she continued "Anything you or Victor want that I could cook up"

"No I'm not really hungry thank you Elizabeth"

"Okay" she said and started heading to the door

"I really like your dress Elizabeth it's cute" I said as she was reaching towards the doorknob.

She turned around and smiled "Thank you".

My pretty boy (Henry Clerval x Victor Frankenstein)Where stories live. Discover now