chapter 12

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Jaden- I mean yes and no I really do love you brooke and i had no control over her kissing me and she wouldn't let go of my face and i ju.. - he mumbled over words getting all worked up and started to tear up- I cut him off by kissing him to make him shut up
Brooke- I do believe just promise me you will never do that with a girl again or else you won't have a second chance again promise?
Jaden- I promise
-we interlocked our pinkies while we pulled into another kiss- we cuddled for the rest of the night because he knew I was still a little upset he ran his fingers through my hair which calmed me down and fell asleep on his chest-
- I woke up and i was in the same spot i was in before he didn't move me. I lifted my head and looked at him-
Jaden- Sorry omg did i wake you
Brooke- oh no i said while blushing
Jaden- I swear your the cutest thing
Brooke- thank you so are you
-we got up and looked out the window to see it was snowing!!!-
-We both started to get dressed to go down-
-I put on some leggings and a puffy soft jacket with some blush, mascara, and a bit of lipstick while i brushed my hair-

 I lifted my head and looked at him-Jaden- Sorry omg did i wake youBrooke- oh no i said while blushingJaden- I swear your the cutest thingBrooke- thank you so are you -we got up and looked out the window to see it was snowing!!!- -We both started ...

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Brooke- Omfg Snow!!!
Jaden- Ikkk
~we laugh and play in the snow for a while. We make snow angles, snowman's, and we also had a snowball fight. We were so worn out so we went to get hot chocolate.~
Jaden- hey brooke can i ask you something?
Brooke- yea ofc ~sipping my hot chocolate~
Jaden- um ok so um will you be my girlfriend?...

A/N- sorry i haven't made another chapter yesterday I was really busy and had like no time. Also i'm sorry this chapter was short i will make another one later I literally rushed to make this bc im like doing something!

but i need you/ Jaden Walton<3Where stories live. Discover now