chapter 4

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Brooke- no she didnt...
Jaden- yes she did
*jaden just started balling his eyes out I felt so bad that christen cheated on him*
Brooke- I'm so sorry
Jaden- why are you sorry you didn't do anything
Brooke- I feel like if i never even got back in contact with you this would of never happened
Jaden- yes it would've she was always a bad person but i was to blind to see
Brooke- I'm so sorry to hear that but one question
Jaden- yeah? *he said while lifting his head to look at the screen*
Brooke- Why did you call me though
Jaden- uhhh because
* but right before he told me his mom walked in the room*
Jessica- Jaden who's that
Jaden- do you remember Brooke
Jessica- yes wait it's Brooke oh my gosh you've gotten so big
Brooke- hahaha thank you😊
*Jessica fake whispers to jaden she's really pretty as she winks*
Jaden- mommmm
Brooke- haha
Jaden- mom just get out * he stands up and pushes his mom out of the doorway and closes it*
*while he's closing the door jessica says bye Brooke in a funny way*
*Brooke's just hysterical laughing*
Jaden- ugh i hate when she try's to embarrass me it's so annoying
Brooke- i find it funny and i love how she's just exposing you
Jaden- whatever
* we talked for a while then my mom called me down to eat dinner*
Brooke- Oh i gotta go eat talk to you later
Jaden ok byeeee
Brooke- bye Jay
*downstairs at the table*
Y/m/n- Hey brooke so I know you have been talk to the walton lately and me and jessica have recently been in touch and we arranged for you guys to see each other in person
Y/d/n- We are all going to Utah!!!
Brooke- Oh my gosh actually thank you thank you thank
       *I jumped up and down and squealed*
Dillon- seriously how is that fair for me
Y/d/n- oh you can get along with jayla even though she's bi you guys could be friends
Dillon- yea ig
Brooke- so when are we leaving?
y/m/n- in three weeks
Y/m/n- but you can't tell any of the walton's
Brooke- why?
y/d/n- because it's a surprise
Brooke- ugh ok

lmk how i did on this story i already have the next chapter i will post later today and it's a good one!!

but i need you/ Jaden Walton<3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora