At the hospital.

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Zoom got a call from Officer Jassim about the incident that happened. He was stunned to hear about what happened to Sumaya.


One day when Zoom was walking near Mama Maitha's ( also that's the name of the cafe , I did not make that up.) He saw Zanya. He then followed her and was shocked to know that it was Sumaya in disguise?! He had always had a bit if a crush on her but never got the chance to meet her and was too afraid because he thought she would reject him. 

End of Flashback.

Zoom's POV.

I was at the hospital sitting next to Sumaya who was badly injured. I was completely worried about her and thought she wouldn't wake up.

A few minutes later I felt that she was moving. I watched as her eyes began to open slowly.
I smiled calmly at her began to walk out when I noticed her smile turning in to a look of sadness. " Hey ,Zoom can I tell you something." She told me with tears streaming from her face. I sat next to her and waited for her response. " What is it?" ," Well I've always had a bit of a crush on you but I don't know if u like me back and I completely understand if you don't, considering how I'm not as rich or pretty as any of the girls in the city." I was shocked. I went near her ear and whispered" I dont care about your background, I care about your own well being. Not if your rich or famous. Besides , your the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on."  I smiled at her and saw that beautiful smile of her brightly across her face.

We continued to chat for a long time , until she became sleepy. I let her sleep and kissed her forehead gently and left the room. As I was about to leave, Mrs. Maitha came up to me with a goofy grin across her face.
" You love my daughter don't you?" " How did you know?" She explained how she was in the next room and listened to how i was chatting with Sumaya and how we both confessed to each other.

Mr Jassim came to me and warn me saying that if I hurt Sumaya he would have me arrested. I laughed awkwardly and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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