Craig Tucker

102 5 2

Of some sort of Latin American descent.

STILL wears the chullo

Likes a lot of classic rock. His song favorite is Highway to Hell by AC/DC

Seems very cold and distant (and almost assholeish) towards people outside his friend group, but once he warms up to you he can sorta be sweet. (sarcastic asf though, just cause he likes you don't mean you're safe from that 💀)

Would never admit it out loud, but he considers Clyde his best friend

He doesn't really have a favorite show per say, but he does enjoy sci-fi

Lowkey finds Jimmy's jokes funny

Hates Stan's gang for no reason??

Honestly, one of the most organized disorganized people; he has systems for his clutter.

His singing isn't that bad tbh

Nothing can compare to his love of guinea pigs. Not even Red Racer.

Skinny jeans and old, beaten up, vans he refuses to get rid of >>>>>>>

Introvert and will consider socking you in the face if you annoy him.

Soft hair fr.

Beauty marks here and there on his face.

Lowkey kinda boring (not really boring but not ever really energetic yk?)

Also to add a little bit more onto what i just said, he would rather stay inside and watch tv or play video games.

BRACES!! he has braces

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