Stan Marsh

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Hangs out with the goth kids

Wasn't really into alternative fashion until one day in 7th grade someone said he looked a lot like Randy. He took it to heart and had a breakdown, which made him decide to change his looks. (Cartman never let him hear the end of it when he showed up to school in baggy pants and messy nail polish the next day)

Likes to go ghost hunting with Tweek and Kenny because they are the only ones willing

Talking about ghost hunting; instead of a favorite show, his favorite series is Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural.

Told the goth kids his favorite genre is's not, he prefers coming of age and fantasy movies.

For some reason, he doesn't understand the concept of marriage no matter how many times it's been explained to him ("Okay, and? It's literally just a piece of paper.")

Much like Craig, he also enjoys classic rock, to be honest he will listen to anything (as long as he considers it good). While he doesn't have a favorite song, his favorite band is The Cure.

Honestly, possibly Aromatic or at least Demiromantic.

Used to be the quarterback for the high school football team, but kinda gave up on the team, and school in general, so he ended up getting kicked off.

Mopes around at lot, which typically makes the gang not want to be around him

And he's tired of his dads shit

Speaking of his dad, when his dad and mom split for good. His dad SOMEHOW ended up with primary custody. Not only is he in constant fights with his dad, he feels bad for his mom seeing as how depressed she is about it. Shelly ended up moving in with her after she got out of high school, she just drives back and forth from the college she's going to right out of Denver.

South park headcannons!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें