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'shit y/n you've to get in trouble don't you' i thought to myself as my body was trembling cause I'm damn sure my perfume have worn off.

' of couse you how could not '
' you're not helping here'

"Uh I'm s-sorry s-sir" i said 'did i really shuttered?' i asked myself. I tried to move away from there . Keyword:tried .

"You think you can just go away like that............ darling."

' oh you are soo dead...'
'shut up!!'


I moved my head to get a clear look at the man-yandere. OOO damn I'm in big big trouble.

(Sir i just blessed my own soul🤧🤞💕)

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(Sir i just blessed my own soul🤧🤞💕)

Whatever is this. This not human. I'm sure of it.

"What cat got your tongue......hahaha " he said laughing . A sweet velvety voice ; griping my arm tightly . Yep definitely not human.

" I'm a yandere too?" That came out more like a question ⁉️⁉️.

" Oh...lies lies lies, all lies...that i can catch "

"Come on , stop this and look into my eyes~"he said bringing his face closer to mine. 'what is he doing, why does he want me to look in hi- Oh'. He's a dragon!. He's trying to hypnotize me!. Shit shit sh-. But i feel nothing. Absolutely nothing........

"Why- is it not working-, no it can't...then why-" he stutter out some gibberish . My face turns into a frown upon hearing those words. 'am i special?' i thought . ' no you're certainly cursed '. 'shut up brain'.

"I'm not sure..." I said . I'm not sure why I'm not RUNNING HERE .

" There's must be some- oh you must be .......
my mate " he said and went into a shock state as do i.

' we don't have time for that ...just run brat '
' for once I agree!'

I pushed him with all force , which surprisingly worked as he was in a glazed  state . I of course run off as fast as i could . I'm not athletic and out of shape but i run surprisingly fast . Oh and i didn't forgot my snacks. Ofcourse .


I locked my house door after i end up running almost a mile . "Man should've taken my bike ." I huffed out .

' oh you're useless '

'look who's talking'


My phone screen as i got a message. I quickly opened my phone hoping it would be Silvia so I can tell her about my not so fortunate day. But the message was from someone i didn't quite.........expect.

Mr. A$$hole 😩🖐️😃🔫.

_what were you doing with the most powerful mafia?_

_calestial i think you have the wrong no: it's y/n_

_no i think i clearly have the right no: you were out of the store with a man . A mafia . The biggest one to be specific_

_uh that guy was mafia....._

_yes and you are|_



Hey guys it's the author i already told ya the updation would be slow .

1. I'm very very busy with schools and tuitions and studies.
2. If i update the chapter would not be interesting as i need time for ideas.

So for a good story , it will take time .

I love you all 💕

FAKE!~  (Yandere mythical creature x (fake yandere)darling reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora