Clyde Donovan

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I know everyone says this, but he's a football player. (he would like to be a professional player but we all know he doesn't get the grades for that)

Also speaking of grades, he may not be the smartest but he's not exactly dumb. He'd have better grades if he would actually turn work in

His favorite show is The Amazing World of Gumball and I will die on this hill

Tbh, immature in the way you'd expect teenage boys to be immature (take that as you will)

He can be really empathetic sometimes though and lowkey he's still a crybaby.

A little bit more on the chubby side. I think he would have green eyes and freckles.

Is absolutely terrified when watching people take off their fake eyelashes.

He listens to J. Cole and Animal era Ke$ha. His favorite song is Wet Dreamz by J. Cole. (lowkey a Swiftie too)

Always in one of those varsity bomber jackets. Always.

Does not understand how the female body works.

Cannot stand horror movies, he will have a heart attack.

Only drinks Sunny D

Pretty short ngl

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