16. A Birthday Girl and Her Sad Cat

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One Month Later

Adrien steps into Gabriel's office and finds his father standing in front of his monitor screen, completely ignoring the boy's presence. He opens his mouth to speak, but stops, afraid of the answer for the question he wants to ask.

"What do you want, Adrien?" His father finally asks, not even glancing over. "Can't you see I'm busy? I don't have time for distractions."

"Father..." The model reaches a hand up and nervously scratches the back of his neck. "My friends are hosting a surprise birthday party for Marinette, and I'd like your permission to go—"

"Absolutely not," Gabriel cuts in.

Adrien's eyes widen. "What? Why not?"

"You have a new piano piece to learn and more Chinese lessons to cover," His father explains. "Besides, you need to go to bed early. Your photoshoot tomorrow starts at four a.m."

"I can be back before ten, Father," He tries pleading with him. "Please, I barely get to see my friends anymore!"

"Adrien!" Gabriel smacks the screen and finally looks at his son, angry. "I said no. I'm your father and you must obey me!"

Tears fill in his eyes as he stares up at his cruel father. "Ever since Mom disappeared, you've been nothing but a heartless father!"

Big mistake on the model's part.

"What did you just say to me?" His father asked slowly, his shoulders straightening.


"You are grounded! Go up to your room—now!"

Adrien turns around and runs out, storming upstairs to his room. He slams the door shut and falls back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. "I hate my life," He whispers to himself.

Marinette's birthday party starts in two hours and he wouldn't be able to go. Sure, he has to admit things have been awkward between them, but they were still friends. He still wanted to show up and be there for her.

What kind of friend would Adrien be if he missed Marinette's birthday party?

Adrien pulls out his phone and sends a text to Nino, informing him that he wouldn't be in attendance tonight. Then, he shuts his phone off and tosses it aside.

"Your dad sucks more and more with each conversation," Plagg comments.

This makes his holder laugh and he nods in agreement. "Yeah, you're not wrong about that, Plagg."

"Who says you can't go to Marinette's birthday party tonight?"

He sits up. "What do you mean?"

Plagg grins. "Don't you have a second, secret identity...?"

Adrien's eyes widen and he smiles.


Marinette climbs off her scooter and sets her helmet on the seat. Luka invited her over for a dinner and movie date. As she crosses the bridge and enters the dock, she looks around the dark, empty boat, confused.



The lights turn on and her friends jump out, throwing handfuls of confetti above Marinette. She looks around, gasping with a laugh, and sees all the birthday decorations.

"Is this a birthday party—for me?" Marinette asks. "But I thought—"

"I sort of misled you, but I needed a reason for you to be here," Luka says as he walks over. "I'm sorry, but we all had the great idea to throw you a surprise party."

When Paths Cross ⚔️ (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora