{1 - You Frustrate me incredibly}

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--- "i seriously need to stop zoning out" ---

"Y/n are you listening" A voice whispered beside me.

Glancing at him i couldn't help but glare his dumb face alone pissed me off i had been overly distracted with glaring at the dumb loud blond sitting across the table from myself, Mina and Denki. 

" i swear if i didn't know any better i'd say you liked him" Once again the voice spoke

"Mina, that's disgusting, I wanna punch him" glancing towards my best friend i pouted as she patted my shoulder comfortingly. 

a laugh coming from the pink girl, made me look up at her face "He didn't even do anything, you'll just provoke him, you should just ignore him" Mina smiled warmly.

"Besides you can't hate him too much, he hasn't even given you a mean nickname" 

feeling whatever smile i was giving Mina drop, "are you serious Mina" shifting my glare back over at him as his voice rose as he was now yelling at Denki beside me, "Him calling me by my last name is far worse" 

"Come on cheer up" Mina gently pulled on my arm shaking me a little, "We should go shopping or have a sleepover or something"  

Groaning a little i slumped into my chair glancing over at the pink girl who had opened a group message with the girls in our year, "Min, maybe not a sleepover there is a lot of us" i mumbled giving into her and closing my eyes. 

Finally peace. 

"Why the fuck are you sleeping" 

never mind.

Ignoring the dumb blond in front of me who i knew would just be glaring at me like i've ruined whatever conversation he was having.

"Oi Satou, bitch" 

"Fuck off" Muttering i leaned further into Mina. 

"You really piss me off, you know that" 

"Yep, i dont really care" finally opening my eyes and sitting up, i was right, he was glaring at me. "What do you want" leaning my cheek onto my palm i couldn't bother returning his glare. 

"You son of a bitch!" throwing his hand up like he was going to use his quirk. 

"wanna go you bastard" i rolled my eyes, yawning a little. 

"Training grounds no-"

"Come on Y/n, Ochako and Momo waiting for us" Mina grabbed a hold of my hand pulling me away from the table.

"Oi Get Back Here Satou!!" walking away i could still hear Bakugo loosing his shit as he was kept back by Kirishima. 

Finally in the hall i let out a heavy sigh finally able to let my brain rest, fighting Bakugo was exhausting and this time i didn't even start it. 


"Go get changed, Hero costumes, we'll be having a class competition" Aizawa's voice broke through the chatter of everyone.

Holding my little briefcase with my hero costume i walked beside Mina who continued talking about the amount of shopping we'd do this coming weekend. Walking down the halls towards the changerooms was rather nice there wasn't loud chatter, mostly the sound of foots steps however that all fell apart when he spoke. 

"OI Satou, I'm gonna fucking kill you" Bakugo nudge passed me glaring down at me. 

"yeah yeah, sure Bakuhoe, let me know when that actually happens" i felt to at peace to put effort into this whole attitude of his. 

"Y/n! i hope we get to fight that'd be so fun" Kirishima had come up placing a warm hand on my shoulder a large smile on his face.

returning his smile "Yeah we should, i think it'd be fun to Kiri, though might be hard you're quirk is very physical" i side eyed the red head watching as he nodded.

"You'll be fine" He patted my shoulder once again before catching up to Bakugo who was stomping like a germline a few feet a head. 

Entering the changerooms the other girls had already started changing into the costumes. Pulling on my outfit i did a double check everything was in working order such as my gas mask. 

"I always forget how cool you look Y/n" Mina spoke as i exited the changeroom. 

Giving her a little smile, "you say this every time Min" 

The two of us walked towards the training grounds theorizing what the competition could possibly be about. arriving into the open space the whole class waiting for Aizawa to explain what we were doing. 

Letting out a sigh our black haired teacher stood eyeing us, "Like the beginning of last year, you are going to be using your quirks to complete tasks, such as the ball throw, however this time at the end im putting you in pairs and you will fight, hand to hand only." 

Frowning slight expecting some more, turned out he just wanted a record of how much control and power we had a year later. 

I had begun to zone out as one by one my classmates threw that ball who knows where, i couldn't help but get distracted by a butterfly watching as it flew around landing on a flower briefly. 

"Y/n" getting nudged i was brought back to Mina smiling at me, before motioning towards the pitching spot. 

With a heavy sigh i took the ball from Aizawa before standing on the sandy patch preparing my arms to throw. i was already aware that my throw wont be far, my quirk wont really help me throw a ball, its not good for close combat, i'm more sit somewhere at a distance and slowly release the toxic gas. 

Remembering my first year attempt i pretty much bailed throwing it a few feet a head, not that it'd make any difference my quirk couldn't aid me then no way would it be able to now. 

"Satou, throw the ball, properly" Aizawa deep voice broke me out of my thoughts


Giving my arm a swing i threw the ball as hard as i possibly could without throwing out my shoulder. Standing up straight i watched as it fell meters ahead of my, the ball had bounced a few times before completely stopping. 

"80 Meters" Aizawa announced with his low voice 

"That was so much better then last year" Mina smiled attaching herself to my arm once i stood beside her again. 

Giving her a soft smile, "Min, i didn't try last year remember" it was so nice having her close she was a little forgetful at times but sweet nonetheless. 

eventually each small quirk test went by, my scores fairly average and better then first year. 

"Alright everyone, i'm gonna pair you up, this will be hand to hand only, no quirks, i want to test your unaided fighting abilities" 

Rolling my head to the side, i was already so exhausted, though class would be over soon and i could go to my dorm room and be alone. nice and peaceful. 

"What the fuck are you smiling about fucking Satou" 

His damn voice, why was he even in front of me right now, i though Aizawa was pairing us up. 

"wait. don't fucking tell me" 

"Hurry up Dumbass" 

"i seriously need to stop zoning out" i whispered following behind the spiky haired blond. 


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