"what was i supposed to do?!"

"you should have gone with the plan! you almost blew it!"

"dont you have any souls? if she finds out what will happen to her? we've been the only close friends she's got!"

"a while ago, when you were texting, you were planning on telling her didn't you?"

jonathan didn't reply..


"so what if i did harry?! I'm tired of you and savannah acting like you own the world and using sheena for what you want to do! making her pay for things that you clearly didn't thank her for!"

"what. DID. YOU. SAY? you were in this to nate! you were! all of us had a part in this! and you failed miserably!" 

savannah stepped up in her high blue heels that i knew i bought for her. she slapped jonathan with all her might causing a hand mark to appear on the right side of jonathan's face.

"acting like we own the world? if we were then you'd have no part in this! if we were acting like we owned the world we'd carry on the plan ourselves without you!"

"you know perfectly well that you owe me thats why you forced me to join you're silly group. you tried to use me like you did with sheena, the only difference is that i found out a lot faster! i still stuck with you lot though. spending every penny i get. you owe ME."

"we don't OWE you anything jonathan."  savannah had that wide, evil smik plastered on her face. just then, harry spoke up.

"we perfectly know that you still hung out with us because you had no friends. being the geek that you used to be two years ago. remember? you used to have glasses you used to be a wimp but we shaped you up good didnt we? look at you now. muscular, girls chase you everyday. intelligent yet handsome. but we still owe YOU?"

jonathan got pissed off and grabbed harry by the shirt. 

"you only did that because you wanted me for my money, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING GOLD DIGGER.!" jonathan punched harry in the face, at the same time letting go of his shirt causing harry to stumble back and fall to the floor.

harry chuckled darkly while savannah helped him up. 

"you son of a.." harry punched him in the face, and in the jaw.

(~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

i woke up, i felt groggy, what was that dream? was that real? if it was, that explains jonathans swollen lip and black eye. i can't believe he defended me. he got hurt because of me. we were never actually close. but still. tears were building up behind my eyelids again. im such a crybaby, i shouldn't let this ruin me. life has it's ups and downs, this is my downs, i guess i've been having a perfect life for too long. i'm tired of crying. i should save my tears for when i cry tears of joy. I'll get real rfiends someday. and i have that chance right in front of me. starting now, my new life has begun. i smiled and wiped away the tears that escaped. 

(~o_o)~ ''''''''' ~(o_o~)

we arrived at the hotel and checked in, i have my own room, just beside theirs, when I got inside my room I locked the door, opened my suitcase, looking for something suitable to wear. and headed straight to the bath.

when i got in i was greeted by a large spacious bathroom, huh, must be one of their special hotel rooms. In the far side of the bathroom was a large bathtub that looked like a jacuzzi, it was actually in the floor. and to the right side of the jacuzzi like bathtub was a large shower. and across from the shower was a long mirror with three sink's one, lower than the other two. probably for kids. 

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