1. "We are married!"

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Hey guys! As you all know that this book of mine got deleted by wattpad, I am Re-publishing it again but with major editings so if you already read these chapters, read again for better clearance!

~Thank you!


"Dear Mom and Dad,

I am really sorry for doing this! I know running from my own marriage is not the only option but I couldn't do it! I always loved someone else but you guys forced me to marry Nandini! Nandini is such a sweetheart and she is perfect but she cannot be my life partner! I just can't imagine someone else with me instead of 'her!' She is the one I love the most! In these days, I tried to talk to you guys but something or the other stopped me from doing so! So I just thought to run from this alliance as this was the only thing I could think of! And now I will marry her but please try to forgive me and my sins! Will come after some months as I can't face you this soon! Wait for me!

And nandini I know I did wrong by doing this but I am really very sorry for doing this! But I think you deserves someone more better than me! Someone who makes you perfect and I am sure I can never be the one! Hope you understood my point!

~Dhruv Malhotra!

Everyone in the room was tensed as well as scared after reading the letter written by dhruv! All they could think was, what will happen next?

In a corner, a beautiful girl clad in red and peach lehanga was sitting and sobbing silently! No not because her fiance runs on their D-day or she have some feelings for him or something but because some of their relatives are blaming her and her parents who are not more!

They are considering as a bad omen for her parents and saying many more ill things about her and her parents!

She isn't crying for herself but for her parents because she can bear her insult but can never bear her parent's insult! Never!

Everyone was just thinking of the one or the other way to execute this marriage because if she couldn't got married, then their relatives will find another hot topic against her to hurt her and her chacha-chachi and brothers can't afford that!

They just want their Nandu to be happy and safe and sound in her house — her in-laws!

In all these chaos, Raj and Nyonika forgot that there elder son has to come from Delhi after his business trip and they had to pick him up too!

Suddenly, the door of the room opened with a bang where everyone were sitting tensed, and here entered our hero!

But not in his all the time glory but with red eyes and furious expressions clearly indicating he is hell angry!

Whereas, on the other side Nandini got scared with the sudden bang so she hid herself behind Abhi who consoled his sister!

"What the hell dad! I thought I was wrong thinking that but no you guys proved me wrong! I knew it you love dhruv more than me infact you love him only but it doesn't means you will leave me there all alone in the airport! Anything could have happened to me but why you guys care? All you care about is that dhruv only! Did you now also forgot that you have another son who is elder? Answer me dammit!" Manik yelled coming inside the room with a anger in his voice and a little pain? Pain!? But why?

Bounded By Marriage (On Hold Till December) Where stories live. Discover now