Dislocated Knee

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It's Wednesday morning and I'm in senior HPE, messing around with my friends on the field while we wait for the teacher to show up. Suddenly, the bin catches my attention. 'I reckon I can leapfrog that' I think to myself, "yo guys, watch this" I laugh, tapping my friend's arm to grab his attention as the boys turn to look at me. I run up to the bin and successfully leap over it leading my friends to laugh at me. I decide to do it again, so I back up to get a run up. I jump but this time something goes wrong, and I fall over the bin. I immediately feel a pain shoot through my leg after a pop in my knee. I look down and see my kneecap basically on the side of my leg. "Shit!" I yell as the boy's chuckle, slowly making their way towards me, "you're such an idiot" Max laughs, bending down to look at my knee, "you freaking dislocated your knee jumping over a bin" he teases, "oh shut up, just get me a teacher" I groan, in unbearable pain, trying to blink back tears.

My friends come running over with a teacher and she takes one look at my leg and calls an ambulance. I groan in pain as I wait, "where the hell is your teacher?" she asks, "hasn't turned up yet" James answers shortly.

Pretty quickly, the ambos show up and I am in the back of the ambulance on my way to the hospital. "Sorry honey, that was a bit of a rush back there, my name is Sylvie, can you tell me yours" the paramedic says as we drive off. "Uh, Zach" I answer, "alrighty Zach, I wanna give you some pain meds to get you a bit comfier, then I'll ask some more questions, is that alright?" she says calmly, leading me to nod. She nods back and opens a drawer full of needles, "woah, no I don't need a needle, is there anything else you can give me?" I say nervously. "I don't have anything here that will work as well, I can give you some medicine up your nose if you would prefer" Sylvie says, "yes please" I answer. "Ok honey, just let me grab it" she says, opening another draw and filling a syringe with a clear liquid. "Alright sweet, on the count of three, I need you to take a deep breath in through your nose for me" she says, and I nod. She then gently puts the syringe up my nose and counts, "1... 2 and 3" she says, and I breathe in the medicine, "good job bud, that should start working soon" she adds, giving my shoulder a squeeze as she disposes of the syringe.

"Alrighty Zach, while we wait for that to work, do you mind if I ask a few questions?" Sylvie asks, opening her iPad. "sure" I mumble uncomfortably. "Alright hon, how old are you?" she asks, "17" I answer, "any allergies or medical conditions?", "nope", "and no regular medications?", "nope" she finishes the questions just before I feel the medicine slowly start to take effect. We get there and I am immediately taken to a bed, sectioned off from the others by thin blue curtains. The bed I am on is pushed through the emergency department as Sylvie yells information at the doctors, "17-year-old male, fell and dislocated his knee, no known medical conditions or allergies, no IV access, but pain relief on board" she says before I am carefully lifted and placed on the bed, groaning as my leg moves slightly as I'm moved. 

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