6.New Encounters and Crazy Problems

Start from the beginning

Thug:"who the heck are you?!" I said as glared at the guy and got a better look at him head to toe."wait, are you human?! *laughing* you think you scare me punk! You humans are soft and don't have any magical abilities, but go right ahead! Give it your best shot!"

Y/N:I take a deep breath into my lungs as I tighten my grip on his wrist.


Thug:"ahh!" My wrist suddenly breaks us I let go of the old lady, stumble back as I stared at the human with him glaring back."I'll remember this!" I said as I run out of there.

Y/N:he runs off as I then turn to the old lady."mam, are you ok?"

Old lady:"yes, thank you so much dear. I was quite frightened" I said shaking his hand and giving him a couple boxes. "Here, take some dumplings with you, on the house"

Y/N:"thank you"


At the Owl house

Y/N:I'm back home as I sit on the couch while reading an anime manga series called Monster Slayer that Luz recommended I read. "This a really great series to read, it's really based on the everything I've been learning and training on" I was focused on reading that I suddenly here a knock on the door."hm, Hooty?" I called him out but sense that his asleep and got up to see who it was. It smell like young witches. I open the door and see three kids in front of me.

???:"wow! Another human!"

???:"she wasn't lying"

???:"you meet someone new every day"

Y/N:I stood there confused on what they wanted."um I'm sorry, but can I help all with something?"

Amity:"sorry, my name is Amity, these is Willow and Gust, we're friends with Luz. We need your help, she's in trouble!"

Y/N:"wait, what!?" I said in shock.

Amity:"follow us I'll explain everything on the way!"

Y/N:I quickly grabbed my sword as I follow Amity and the others.


Y/N:we eventually arrived at Bligh's Industry making our way inside."so your telling me that your mom got Luz and the others expelled from Hexcide and she made a deal with Luz to help her show off her abomination gadgets in exchange she lets the three of them back in school?" I said to Amity.

Amity:"yeah I know it's crazy, come on we're getting close"

Y/N:we make our way in the crowd and managed to see Luz on stage from a far. Soon after the floor of the stage opens and a giant abomination robot comes out.

Amity:"oh no this is bad, Y/N go on ahead and I'll get to higher ground" I said as I climbed up a ladder.

Y/N:"got it!" I do as she says and try to make my up through the crowd.

Luz:I tried to run away, but the giant robot grabs me and tosses me up as I land up on the ceiling."oh! At least it can't get up here" I laid down in relive until the bot jumps up and stands behind me."Luz, you fool!" I scolded myself and quickly got up, avoiding the robots attacks. I gotta think of something! Anything! Or that thing will end me for sure! I start to panic that I could hear my heart racing like it was about to explode, but then I remember what Y/N taught me. Take deep breaths and stay calm. I could feel my beating slower now as I kept taking slow breaths and then turn towards the bot, still charging at me as I take out a glyph, focus on my thoughts and take a deep breath. Total Concentration, Magic breathing second form: Ice Craft! I release multiple large spikes of ice towards the bot and the proceeded to take out the wooden sword I had with me, covering it with ice. The robot gets free and starts to swing various attacks at me, but I managed to block them all. Magic breathing, Third form: Plant Whip! I shoot out long vines from another glyph to swing up and launch myself at the bot. "Fourth form: Fire Blast!"


Luz:I use a glyph to deliver an enormous fire attack, causing a huge explosion to wreck part of the ceiling and the whole stage. I laid down on the ground with minor injuries as the abomination bot stood there still."it looks like it powered off, I better thank Y/N for training me when I go back" I was about to stand up and leave until the robot suddenly grabbed me by the foot with one hand and with other he formed his hand into a scythe as he raised it up."not good! Not good!" I cover myself with both arms not knowing what to do now.

Y/N:I quickly managed to catch up to them and noticed Luz in trouble."I don't think so!" I then pulled out my sword as I leaped up. Fire breathing Second form: Flame Wheel! I cut off the monster's weapon arm with a circular attack as I land on the stage."Luz, are you hurt?!" I asked her in concern.

Amity:"good work! I'll take it from here!" I said to  Y/N as I use my magic to completely immobilize the bot."stay away from my Luz!" I said as I then landed between her and the robot."Luz, you ok?!" I turned to her.

Luz:*blushes* "Amity?"

Y/N:I didn't do anything but stood there in processing all this. My Luz? .........oh! I see.

Amity:"let my friends back into Hexcide or you investors will watch me tear this thing bit by bit!" I said to my mom. She eventually agrees and I undo my magic, letting the robot move freely as it grows it's fist and brings it down towards us, but I managed to shield us from the impact as we both laid down and pretended to be dead.

Y/N:as they both lay down lifeless the robot powers down as I then quickly got down to aid them."are you both hurt?!" I said worried as Willow and Gus showed up.

Amity:"yeah, don't worry I protected us from the hit.

Luz:"thanks for the help, all of you" I said to everyone here."hey Y/N, could you be a big brother and give your little sister a piggyback ride back to the owl house?" I said extending my arms.

Y/N:"yeah sure, hope on" I said as I turned around and kneeled down for her to hope on my back.


Y/N:we all make our way out as we talked to each other. Eventually we all parted ways, said goodbye to each other as me and Luz arrived back home."hey, we're back" I said to everyone as we came in."and why does it smell like ice, magic, and beast around here? Did we miss something?" I said after getting an odd scent in the air.

King:"achoo! It's a long story"

Luz:"well can we talk about it some other time? I'm so eager to go to bed" I said as I was still hanging on my brothers back.

Lilith:"oh miss teacher! Do I get extra credit?" I said as I bring out a small ice sculpture of me kneeling before Luz like a god.

Luz:"oh.....my gosh!" I said in shock.

Eda:"I can do that too" I slap a glyph on the table as a tiny explosion comes out.

Luz:"ah sure, you all get extra credit" I said as I tossed two golden stars to both of them.

Eda:she gives us stars as the boy carries Luz up to her room, I noticed that King has dozed off as I turned to Lilith."gotta say that does two have gotten along pretty well as siblings, right?"

Lilith:"yeah, seeing how they're the only humans here" I said as I then picked up a book near me."so how about we see what sort of combo glyphs we can come up with?"

Eda:"you got it!" I said in excitement as I started to scribble on paper.

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