Upon her eyes reaching mine, I grin at her, bringing my hand up and waving. I know, I look like a disgusting motherfucker to her eyes. Rubbing my cheating in her face. Is it cheating? Are we even official? I told her many times I'm falling in love with her so I'd assume that's what's going on.

Her face doesn't change upon seeing our dirty display. She sucks her teeth, the only form of anger I see rise to her expression, and she instantly turns around leaving. By leaving I mean, actually heading to the exit. Shit, I gotta catch up to her!

"Yo ok this was fun but I'm bored" I say in the rudest way possible, sliding her off of me and quickly getting out of the booth. I don't bother to see her shocked expression, but I know it's there.

I push through the crowd as fast as I can, heading to the exit. I run outside to see her on her phone, Martini still in hand.

"Yo, what was that about?" I ask in a cocky tone, wrapping my arm around her.

"Man, don't touch me" oh, so I'm demoted to 'man' now? She still isn't showing any anger, but she pulls my arm off of her.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a chuckle, although I know she isn't showing any signs that something is, I just wanna mess with her.

"nothing, I'm just gonna go back to the hotel, I'll be gone before you even get back" what?

"What?" Oh, yeah I spoke the word out loud. Yeah, I sound just as shocked as I am.

"Well, you're on to the next bitch so I guess it's my time to go home" she doesn't  have any malice in her voice, it's honestly kinda soft.

"Wait what? No" my plan is falling apart and I don't know how to get it back on track. No wait, I do. "You jealous or some shit? Thought you was a nihilist? If nothing matters what's the issue with me doing two girls at the same time?" Yeah, douche bag move.

"God you're so pathetic" She laughs, "is that what this was? To try and test me and shit? Fuck man, I knew you were predictable I just didn't think you were this bad" She bursts into a fit, bringing a hand to her face.

"Yo what the fuck is wrong with you?" I speak in an angry tone, but inside I kinda feel hurt, not that I have a right to be.

"You wanted to see if I was gonna get jealous of you rubbing up on another girl? Fuck no! I just don't like wasting my time! Sure nothing matters but one thing in this world is true Marshall, we all die eventually, and I don't know when my last day is! So seeing what I saw tonight, I definitely don't want to spend it with you!" Ouch, that really hurt... she brings her finger to her temple, as if mocking my intelligence before saying, "You wanted someone like me so I wouldn't hold you accountable for your behavior huh? Well sorry but I don't waste time on that pathetic shit" she brings the same finger and points it at me.

It was just a joke and it fucked up everything, a bad, really bad, dumb joke.

"No, no Tomie I didn't mean it like that!" I begin to reason, my face clearly showing my anxiety. "I was just trying to mess with you, honest, Idk I'm high and my stupid ass thought it'd be funny" yes I'm playing the under the influence card.

"Now you're begging cause I'm leaving and you told that girl off? Double homicide huh?" this bitch just loves to make jokes huh? I grab her chin and push her up against the wall.

"Fuck you, that hurt, you gonna rape me now? Blame it on the weed too now that we're at it!" This fucking bitch!

"Bitch shut up, you ain't going no where, and stop using that smart ass tongue with me" I spit watching her grin.

"Naw man, you want me to stay you're gonna listen to me alright?" She turns the whole situation on it's head, pulling my hands off of her as her other grabs the collar of my shirt. "You listen to me, You want a dope bitch who doesn't give a fuck about anything? Then you're gonna have to deal with my cynical ass alright? You aren't ever gonna tell me what to do, got it? I may not give two shits, but the one thing I hate, really hate, is wasting my time. You gonna keep doing that, or are you gonna apologize?"

Holy shit why am I so turned on? She's dead serious, threatening to leave my dumb ass and all I can think about is her riding me. "I'm- I'm sorry" I choke out, completely aware that I'm blushing like fucking crazy.

She quickly downs the rest of her Martini before putting the glass down on the ground, not caring what happens to it. She grins at me as she stands back up, bringing a hand to my crotch, feeling the boner I was attempting to hide.

"Thank you, now how do you want it?" She asks vaguely but I know what she means, making me blush even more as my dick twitches in my pants.

"Want what?" I pretend to act clueless watching her laugh.

"What position baby? The Uber's here, how about I take you for a ride?" God she's so fucking hot holy shit...She bites her lip, looking at me through those perfect lashes of hers. "I promise 100% satisfaction." She states, rubbing my dick with her palm.

Oh shit, this is gonna be the best car ride of my life...

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