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A.n. Giving me some femdom energy that's well needed on my account...

We were quite literally passed out in the bus, it felt like it lasted forever. My body was  rested perfectly on top of hers and it felt so good. I didn't care what was happening around us, the guy's words blurred together and all I cared about was her. I'm so comfortable I honestly don't ever want to get up. Quick enough, I'm completely asleep.

Soon enough, unfortunately, we arrive in Rosemont, and I'm still tired as fuck, so I'm very pissed. I hate waking up from a good ass nap, especially when it involves your pillow being a bitch's tits.

I lift myself up and look at the gorgeous sleeping girl below me. I bring my lips down to  her neck, choosing this as a way to wake her up. I press them to her fragile skin softly and nip at it lightly. She lets out a low moan, her eyes fluttering open. She brings her hands to my shirt, grabbing at the fabric tightly.

"We're here?" She groans out, clearly not any more happy about the situation than I am.

"Yeah we are, come on, we gotta got off" I tell her, getting up and grabbing onto her wrists, pulling her up with me.

"Fuck man, I'm so tired" she remarks, grabbing her bag sluggishly. We head out of the bus and get into the lobby of the hotel. Everything is smooth with getting our room so we head up easily. I drop my bag on the floor as soon as we get inside and she instantly goes over to the couch, dropping herself on it. I walk over, siting down beside her limp body.

"I hope I can get my energy up cause I really wanna fuck you tonight" I grumble, looking at her awesome ass. God damn she's so fine.

"Mhm, drink a Red Bull" she groans into the fabric of the couch, sounding incredibly muffled.

"Smart idea" I mumble, heading over to the mini fridge and just like I usually request, it's there, nice.

I hope this can help me cause I don't know how Imma get through this night.


Smoke drafts throughout the air, the music is blasting, playing music by Dr. Dre, and the smell of pot is so invasive. I keep my joint in my lips as I look around the place, I've been here for an hour now and Tomie has disappeared to the bar to get a drink. I've come to find she has a favorite drink, Chocolate Martini... It suits her, mature, dark, strong...
She's so hot, I'm gonna fuck her good tonight, I can't wait.

My brain suddenly goes to a really nasty idea. Why don't I toy with her a little? Get her jealous? I can gage whether she really does care about things or not.

I turn to my left and sitting right next to me is the groupie I've been avoiding all night. I know Tomie will be back soon, and I want her to catch me in the act.

Maybe I shouldn't do this? What if it goes horrifically wrong? Naw, with a nihilist? No way, she can't get too upset.

I whisper in her ear, "you wanna ride me baby?" And the chick's face instantly goes red before she smirks at me. She gets on my lap and begins to rock back and forth, her hands going to my shoulders. "Mhm yeah baby... just like that" I groan, secretly imagining Tomie as I close my eyes. Her black hair softly moving, plump lips agape and her eyes tightly shut, pushing her gorgeous lashes together. Her hips movin in that tight dark green dress she put on tonight and her tits bouncing... fuck I need her...

I open my eyes right on time as I see her walking back with drink in hand, she has such a strong posture, she doesn't, but she looks like she owns the whole room. Her hips swaying lightly with her strong walk in those nice ass platform heels... Like usual, her face shows no emotion other than tiredness.

Call Him Slim Shady | Eminem Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin