The one who...

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-The one who through the clouds sees a glimmer of hope.

-The one who before meeting her was brooding.

     Like every day, I walked the same alleys, the same streets, the same avenues in order to get to my work. Every day the same path, the same work, the same routine again, again and again. As every day, the same thoughts circled in my head which darkened always and even more, little by little my heart and my soul.

     Lost in my thoughts I had not seen the young woman who was heading towards me, she had not noticed me either and the second after we were both on the ground after having hit each other. I didn't know what to do, it was unusual, I got up in a hurry and held out my hand to her and for a few milliseconds our eyes met and the time around me froze. I can't explain it, but there was a sparkle in his gaze, a glow that I had never seen before and that for that brief moment had dispelled the clouds that tormented me.

     She was looking at me with her eyes of an azure blue purer than the sky, brighter than a shooting star, I felt caught and frozen in her eyes. After getting up and intrigued by my insistent gaze, the young woman spoke to me: "Excuse me, I was completely absorbed in my thoughts and the sky is particularly beautiful today, this mixture of turquoise and white, I can' stop myself marveling at it..." at these words her eyes turned to this infinite ocean and a smile came to light up her face, it was as if an aura of benevolence emanated from her face. She turned to me and said, "Haven't we met before? ", "no" I answered her. I still wanted to stay and observe those magnificent bluish orbs on her face which awoke in me a feeling that I could not describe, but I was on my way to my work and I unfortunately had to leave her and continue on my way.

     After a few steps I couldn't help myself but turn around and I was able to see her face, her eyes and her smile one last time, which have remained since that day forever etched in my memory, sowing in me the seeds of renewal.

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