« 34 » MADDY PEREZ | Always been you

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"Y/n it's... it's bad this time," she forces out despite the knot in her throat, burying her head into your chest.

You pull back to look at her but she doesn't budge in the slightest.

She knew if she saw your eyes she'd break down again, kiss you, or snap, probably all of the above if she let it happen.

You huff and pick her up by her thighs, taking her to the kitchen. She seemed dead set on not letting you go though, not when you whined, threatened to drop her on her ass, and especially not when you offered to make her favorite food.

And when she said no to that? That's when you got really worried.


You took her upstairs to your bathroom and thankfully she let you set her on the counter. She won't let you out of her hold though, so she settled on holding your hand as you did your best to manage with what short distance you could go.

"Come on, you need a shower," you say with a huff, walking back over to her and snaking your arms around her waist.

She trembled noticeably. "Y/n I really like- can't right now."

"You want me to do it for you?"

And that's how you ended up in the shower with Maddy Perez.

It wasn't awkward like you thought it'd be, and you surprisingly weren't nervous, probably too focused on wanting her to smile again.

It wasn't long before you were washing her, knowing she didn't like to talk when she was upset, you opted for playing some music on your phone.

When you got to her neck she tensed up, causing you to freeze too. You quickly saw the fingerprints around her neck, old and fading but there nonetheless. You tried your best to not let your shock show as you gently washed the wounds, your thoughts shifting from angered to pained.

You washed each other's hair and got out. You gave her some warm clothes, just sweats and a hoodie, but she wasn't complaining as they smelled like you. You were both lying in your bed in each other's arms, her comfort movie on to fill the deafening silence.

"Mads, what happened?" you whisper, your eyes trained on her neck.

The tenderness in your tone is enough for her to break. She tells you everything that happened after you left; Nate, what he did after you left, the drugs, how she couldn't eat or sleep, how her parents found out about what he did, then her mother pressing charges.

You went through a blur of emotions in such a short time period, though the most obvious ones were guilt, then anger. She didn't really see the faults in his actions, her blind devotion to him ruling over her.

"I don't want you to feel like I'm against you, Mads... but you should really dump his ass," you say in an odd tone.

She groans, pulling back to look up at you. "Y/n.. did you just quote Stranger Things again?"

"Maybe?" you wince out and she laughs lightly, pushing your face away. You smile at the sound, glad you got her to laugh again, even if it was temporary.

She sniffles, tears flooding her eyes again. "I can't- I can't be alone again. I need him, I love-"

"Maddy that's not love and you know it," you retort, your tone coming out harsher than intended.

"The fuck do you know about love, Y/n?" she snaps back, inwardly cursing herself when she couldn't make her voice angry at you.

"I know enough, I mean, I love you after all, right?" you ask.

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