Can I has him?

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(Didn't post the update last time... Q.Q)

Pit's pov.

Rava and I were now hunting Hewdraw! Sadly we had to split up when the heads split, she went after one and I went after another. There was still one left, hopefully I'm the one that runs into it I don't want Rava hurt!

"Pit! Stay focused!" Palutena said loudly, making me flinch as I looked around and noticed all the monsters around me. "Oh... hehe oops" I said nervously. This was bad...

Hopefully Rava was having better luck than me-

Rava's pov

"patty cake, patty cake, Baker's man, bake me a cake as fast as you can!" I had found one of the Hewdraw heads and we started fighting... Were we still fighting though? Nope... We somehow found ourselves singing patty cake... "You know Hewdraw, you're not such a bad boss!" "Ofcourse I'm not Rava! But I'm still the boss so we have to fight at some point" I laughed at Hewdraws response. "awwww, but this is fun... okay okay fine, We can fight after one more song" I said. Hewdraw nodded in agreement and we started singing an awesome song called 'One Last Song' from Soil. "Take a listen to your whole world" "can you hear the screams?" "All alone I wonder... I wonder" "HOW MUCH LONGER! IS THERE TIME FOR ME?!" "ONE LAST SONG! I WANT TO GIVE THIS WORLD! BEFORE IT IS GONE" We sung the song till the end, then immediately started to fight again.

Pit's Pov.

I finished off my Hewdraw heads and immediately started to run around in search for Rava. "Pit! Rava is close, keep going that way" Palutena told me. I nodded and tried to run faster, till I eventually came upon Rava sitting next to a dying Hewdraw head. The two seemed to be... singing?... "What the-" I sorta just stood there and watched for a minute, only jumping in when I saw Rava jump to her feet like a ninja. The Hewdraw head disappeared and Rava spread her wings with a strange look on her face. "Rava wait!" I called, but she ignored me and took flight. (Lucky) I watched her fly off, wondering where she was going... "Palutena! I need the power of flight, I need to catch up to Rava" I said. Palutena sighed "Pit, you've already used up your power of flight... I'm sure Rava will be fine. okay?" She said. Pit was frustrated, if only he too could fly on his own...

Rava's pov

"Rava, you are a wonderful lady. May I ask you for a final request?" "Sure thing Hewdraw... ask away" "When I die, I will become reborn in the form of an egg. Rava, I want you to travel to Hydra cove and take my egg... Keep it safe, and away from evil." "I will Hewdraw... I promise"

I flew as fast as I could towards this, Hydra Cove... How did I know where to go? Because the author added this, duh! I feel bad for making Pit worry, but he'll be fine... I just... I can't let Hewdraw fall to evil again, he's such a funny little Hydra. "Man, there's probably going to be monsters or something there..." I said to myself, debating if I should be sneaky or fight. "Ninja sneakiness... it'll be quicker" I though, grinning as the cove came into view. "Why is it called a cove if it's an island?"... "Forget it nevermind" I flew around and noticed that the island was actually pretty empty... There were a few strange Naga creatures but they didn't look too hostile... They actually looked pretty happy.

I landed near the temple with the egg, because I magically knew where it was because magic... There was two Naga guards infront of it... uh-oh. "Who are you, and why do you land upon the temple of the ssserpents?!" One of the naga yelled, the other laughed. "Come now friend! You mussst have heard of the return of our egg! Come come! Let usss sssee the wonderful egg back in it'sss nessst!" The friendlier naga literally snatched my hand up and dragged me into the temple. Inside was... simply amazing! There were eggs everywhere! And on a pedestal in the middle was a huge egg, that I assumed was Hewdraws... I had to get that egg, but these naga seemed so happy to have it back.

"Isss, it not amazing? Sssuch a beauty it isss" The naga said with stars in his serpent eyes. I smiled and nodded "Yeah, this whole place is actually really cool... I've never seen so many eggs in one place, it must be crazy when they all hatch" I responded. The naga laughed "Yesss, we don't usually get many vissitor'sss... other than thossse thieving monssters, but I can tell you are not them. The egg mentioned you to usss, it sssaid you would come" I was about to reply to the naga but a loud bang interrupted us. "They're back!!! they want our egg again!" The naga yelled, he looked at me with fire in his serpent eyes. "We just got our egg back, but it isss sstill unssafe here.... Take the egg, keep our massster ssafe from the darknesss!~" It ordered, before slithering out with the other guards. "Well that solves one problem... But now I have to carry this huge thing..." I took a deep breath and tried to figure this out.

"Rava! Pit is having a panic attack! Can I please teleport you back now?" Palutena asked, I grinned as an Idea formed into my mind. "Yeah Palutena, go ahead" I said, before quickly grabbing hold of Hewdraw's egg. As expected, both the egg and myself were teleported. Earning me questioning looks from Palutena and some Centurians when I appeared. "Can I has him?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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