The Beginning.

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Rava sighed as she flew over her village, she was a lone angel who looked after her humans. She protected them with her fire bow whenever danger was around. To the villagers she looked like a child of the sun and the moon. Her burning red wings spread out like wild fires as she flew, her golden eyes shone like the goldest of sunlights. Her skin was pale like the moon glowing in the dark sky, and her hair midnight black contrasted her yellow gaze fiercely. Being such a Dark and Light Angel confused some people... 

While most loved Rava, and were grateful for her being there for them. Others were afraid... They saw her as both Light and Darkness, clashing within the body of one person. And they feared the Darkness would win... Even so... She loved her humans no matter what.

But she knew one day she'd have to say goodbye... She only wished that it wasn't so soon... The Village was filled with many screams tonight. The underworld troops had attacked, and Rava was caught off guard. Still, she raised her bow and tried desperately to fight them all off. She was greatly outnumbered though, and felt her energy drain more and more as the battle went on. The forces of Darkness continued to pour out in an infite number, and Rava knew there was no hope... 

With one final attack, she wiped out a huge number of the army hoping it would drive the rest away. But it did nothing, as she soon found herself swarmed and in immense pain. She fell to the ground, and as the darkness began to take her with it's soothing lullaby. She heard the screams and cries of her humans, pleading for her to get up and save them. Her muscles ached too much though, she couldn't move at all... She closed her eyes, and allowed herself to rest.

"Wake up! Pleeeeease!!!!" Rava heard a voice, a voice that she did not recognize at all. "Pit leave her alone, she needs to rest" Another voice joined in, this one being a females. "I'm sorry Lady Palutena! It's just been so long!" Pit complained, Rava continued to listen in. "Pit, haven't you ever heard Patience is a virtue?" Palutena as she presumed was her name said. Pit replide with a quick "Nope." Earning a small laugh from Rava, as she opened her eyes slowly. "You're awake!!!" Pit yelled, Rava gasped in shock as she found herself being glomped by the boy. "Pit! Be careful, she could still be hurt!" Palutena scolded the boy.

Pit released Rava and smiled brightly. "I'm Pit, I serve under the Goddess Palutena!" He said cheerfully. Palutena gave her own smile, "Hello child. I am the Goddess of Light, Palutena. May I ask your name?" She asked. Rava looked at the two confused, before nodding. "My name is Rava, and I am the Guardian of my humans... or atleast I was... until the underworld surprise attacked" Images of the attack flew through Rava's mind... The screams she heard as she passed out brought tears to her eyes.

"H-hey! don't cry!" Pit once again hugged the girl, he guessed she was really close to the humans of the village. And he didn't like seeing her cry... something about it made him feel weird. "We're going to stop the Underworld army, Right now Medusa is in control of them. We'll take her out and everything will be okay... no one else will fall." He tried to soothe, succeeding just a bit. "We?" She asked, looking at the angel boy in shock. Though it was not because of what he said, but because of what she saw. 

She hadn't noticed his wings before, and now that she had she was thrilled! "I'm not the last one!" She cried out suddenly, leaving both Pit and Palutena awestruck. Rava stretched her red wings and looked between them and Pits white ones. "Yours are white, that's cool! But mine are bigger-" Palutena tried not to laugh, as both Pit and Rava started talking about their wings happily. She was glad to see Pit finally had another Angel friend after so many years...

Lips of an AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon