I arrived at the training ground and saw my team, Kushina sensei was there but Kakashi sensei was nowhere to be seen.

Y/N: Good morning

Kushina: Good morning Y/N, go sit down with the rest and wait here I'll be back when I find Kakashi.

Y/N: Okay Kushina sensei.

As I walked to the others they were talking amongst themselves and I sat under a tree and thought of a way to fail the exam. As I was thinking to myself Satsuki went to me.

Satsuki: Hey you.

Y/N: hm, how can I help you Uchiha san?

Satsuki: You never answered my question yesterday. How did you get to the roof before us? We went ahead of you and we didn't see you go pass us.

Y/N: That's not important is it? I don't understand why you want to know that, it doesn't concern you anyway.

Satsuki: Just answer my question!

Y/N: hmm.. *sigh* fine, I used the body flicker jutsu.

Satsuki: how do you know how to do that? I demand you to teach it to me.

Y/N: Ehh, why the hell would I do that? You have no right to demand something of me.

Before she could reply our sensei's arrived.

Kushina: Look what you did, we're late because of you. If you keep being late for team meetings I will burn all of your books.

She said with a cold voice.

Kakashi: Ah y..yes Kushina nee.

Kushina: Alright everyone we will be starting your genin test now. All you have to do is get these bells from us, me and Kakashi have two each.

Sakura: Wait, there's only four? Then what will happen if one of us don't get it?

Kakashi: that person will be sent back to the academy.

Girls: What!?

Y/N: 'Yes a chance, I could just give them the bells, then I'll be free from being a shinobi.'

Kakashi: alright, in 3.. 2.. 1.. Begin!

As the test started I jumped to the bushes and Satsuki and Mito did the same, Naruko had stayed and faced Kakashi and Kushina.

Y/N: 'Maybe I should have done the same.'

Kakashi: ah Naruko you're brave facing us alone.

Naruko: Ha! I'll be taking those bells from you Kakashi sensei just you wait!

As she said that she has rushes at Kakashi with her first cocked back readying a punch. As Naruko threw her punch Kakashi dodged and delivering a round house kick but was blocked by Naruko who was sent back but was caught by Mito. They both rushed Kakashi and began to fight him.

Kushina sensei was just watching them and looked like her gaurd was down but I wasn't fooled, however shuriken and kunais were thrown straight at her direction from two different directions, I had looked like she was hit by the attack but she poofed into smoke and was replaced with a log she used the substitution jutsu.

Kakashi was handling the twins with his book now gone, he was blocking and dodging he was occupied and I took this chance to attack.

Y/N: Shadow clone jutsu. *Poof two clones*

Y/N clones: Wind style ghale palm.

I jump and my clones used ghale palm to send me straight to Kakashi. I started spinning with my right leg out and my left back.

Y/N: SPIRAL KICK!! (A/N hahah name sucks)

I kicked Kakashi aiming for his head but was blocked, the kick send him back a couple feet and I rushed him again I applied wind chakra to my feet which made me faster it least low jonin speed but it took a chunk of chakra from my reserves so I use it in short bursts. Kakashi seemed to block and dodge some of my attacks but not all of them, I managed to hit him a couple of times but it wasn't enough. I went for a punch but Kakashi jumped up dodging my attack and kicked me with an axe kick sending me to the ground which created a mini dust cloud. Mito and Naruko began to fight Kakashi again and I took the time to rest a bit, Satsuki and Sakura seemed to be doing well against Kushina but I can tell Kushina is holding back. I threw a smoke bomb on the ground and made one shadow clone and I went after Kushina sensei, I jump up and went for a axe kick but it was dodged and countered with a spin kick which sent me towards Satsuki and Sakura.

Satsuki: what the hell.. Y/N don't get in my way!

Y/N: wait I have a plan.

Satsuki: to hell with your plan. What can a dead last like you even do.

Y/N: Wai-

Before I could finish I felt a kick coming from Kakashi land on my back, sending me to a tree. I discreetly made two shadow clones and they used transformation jutsu to turn into bells, I handed them to another clone and threw 4 smoke bombs creating cover.


Kushina: alright everyone times up.
To be continued 😀😀

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