Drunk girl? Hello?

I swear... if you don't let me know you're alright...

I'm sending a cab to the address you gave me before.

message last sent 30min ago.

I looked at my phone, slightly bewildered. I laughed a bit. This dude seriously panicked and sent me a cab? To an address I'm not even at... like a half hour ago?


Wow, panic much?
I'm fine... I'm just outside the club I always go to
Club 13

Just then someone tapped my shoulder. I looked to see the cute guy from the bar.

"Hi, sorry. I just... I saw you in there earlier and you looked so breathtaking. I saw you leave and worried I wouldn't get a chance to-"

"Fuck off, screw boy." A deep, yet raspy... yet fucking sexy as fuck voice rumbled from behind me. I didn't have time to turn before he stepped beside me.

"But I-"

"But you nothing. Fuck off. And you.... Answer my messages a bit more timely." He nearly growled in frustration. He was intimidating, somewhere around 5'9, not super tall but certainly taller than my short ass. His eyes were drilling into mine, there was demand in his voice and it made me shiver.

"Who-" I was pulled away and led to a car, all black SUV with some man driving, he looked at us as my savior/kidnapper opened the rear passenger side door.

"Just get in, and give Mr. Ho your address." He commanded, guiding me into the car with not much force.

"Mr. Ho?" I tried not to giggle as I gave the driver my address, the man who was seeing me in the car growled lowly.

"Ignore her Jon, she's a bit drunk." He excused, so the driver nodded.

"Understood Mr. Min." He replied back to the man who was now sitting next to me in the back seat.

"For one, I'm not drunk-"

"Have you consumed any alcohol?" He asked, his dark hair that was falling over his eyes did nothing to hide the intimidating look he was giving me.

"Only a little... like.. Two shots and maybe a few sips of a mixed drink." I replied sheepishly, feeling rather small near this person who seemed familiar enough for me to not argue against or yell to the people to help me get away from. He certainly didn't give me the eerie feeling the other man had given me.

"A little is still something, and still enough to loosen you up enough to be taken advantage of if you're not in the right headspace. Which you, drunk girl, never seem to be. You're lucky I wasn't sleeping..." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking at him but doing my best not to look into his intimidating eyes.

"Really? That's what you're going to ask? You've only been stalking me on Kakao for a while now, but ok." His mood seemed to change instantly as we drove, he seemed more relaxed as he leaned back in the seat next to mine.

"You're... ball boy?" I asked, shocked, but then... I probably should have figured it out by some of the things he's said.

"Yoongi. Since we're officially meeting for the first time." He corrected me.

"Right.. Uh.. I'm Piper." I said, hold my hand out to shake his. He looked at it and quirked his brow up at me. I guess a handshake was out of the question.

"Right.. Pipsqueak." He briefly smirked as he spoke.

"Hey... My height has nothing to do with anything. Okay." I responded. He nodded.
"So, why come by and play hero?" I asked.

"My intent was not to come and be a hero. You didn't answer, I knew you were out drinking. I also know how you get when you drink and knew that there was a risk of you getting into trouble. In case you didn't know..." He leaned so close to me suddenly that I gasped a little. His eyes bore into mine as his gaze held me still as stone. "You're kind of a troublemaker, and someone who falls into traps a little too easily." He said, finally freeing me from his gaze.

"I am not." Was my only response, kind of childish too as I whined a little.

"I know a cab driver who wasted his time tonight waiting on you when you weren't on your way home apparently would say otherwise." He rebutted.

"Well if you hadn't been Mister Panic and called a cab to a place I wasn't even at.. Like who does that?" I retorted.

"I was being kind!" He raised his voice a little and I did the same.

"I didn't ask you to be kind!" I replied.

"No, you initially asked me why no one would fist you or dick you down. I think I'm starting to see why!"

 "You prick!" I went to open my door as we stopped at the red light near the apartment. But he reached over and shut it, locking it.

"Are you crazy!? You can't just go jumping out of a car!" He shouted.

"Yeah! I'm super fucking crazy, and I choose not to listen to your yelling!" I said as we pulled up to the sidewalk in front of my apartment building. I seemed to be so irritated that I forgot he locked the door, so me pulling the handle was doing absolutely nothing to get me out of that vehicle as fast as I wanted to. He leaned over and I breath got caught as his face was so damn close to mine.

"I'm sorry for yelling. This is locked..." He unlocked it as he apologized. "We've talked a lot, I guess I let myself worry over you a bit much. Don't think to much into it, but I am glad to know you're home now. Go get some water, and get some sleep." He opened the door after unlocking it. Then he helped me with the seat-belt. I wasn't sure how to feel but I was glad to know he felt bad about his yelling and over-reacting.

"Thank you for helping me, and for giving me a ride home." I said as I got out of the car. I shut the door behind me and as I rounded the car he got out.

"You don't need me to walk you in, do you?" He asked.

"No. I think I'll be okay." I chuckled a little.

 "Alright. Talk to you later then?" He asked, getting back into the car.

"Yeah. Goodnight. Yoongi." I giggled.

"Goodnight, Piper." He smirked as he shut his car door and gave a little wave. So that's what he looked like... who the hell knew he was so hot? I sure as fuck didn't. I made it into the apartment and changed, flopping onto my bed.

"I was not expecting that.... He's like scary good looking.." I said out loud to myself. I put my phone on my charger and smiled as I thought of seeing him. He was intimidating, but he seemed nice... I mean aside from switching moods faster than I could flick a light switch.I settled in, waiting to fall asleep till I heard Deji and Liz come home. 

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