Queen Mary (Bloody Mary)

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On a summer's day in 1553, after 10 days of traveling a wonderful thing reached the capital. And her name is Mary Tudor, the eldest daughter of King Henry VIII. She had come to claim her inherences. Crown of England. Mary took the crown of England in triumph on the 3rd of August 1553. This day was Mary's victory against all those who opposed her. Mary was a Queen driving by conscious and by faith. She would see hundreds of people being burn at the stake for what she believes to be right. A vision of England to restore to its traditional Catholic faith. Mary was the first Virgin Queen. 

The Princess Mary was an extraordinary important child. Her parents Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon have already been married for 7 years when she was born, and they had several children, but all the children were either stillborn or they died shortly after birth. Mary was the first child to survive. This meant that she was the heir to the crown of England. It was only one drawback. Mary was a girl. And a woman had never rule England as Queen. Her destiny seems clear. The ruler princess will become a ruler bride and only reign as a wife. 

The search for the right husband started early. When Mary was 2, she was betrothed to the heir of France in a ceremony which mimic all the features of a real wedding. This was just the first of many engagements. Over 10 years, Mary's hand in marriage have been used to make treaties of other countries. Being the daughter to the King of England, Mary was an attracted preposition. But her mother's family was even grander. Catherine of Aragon was the descendant of a great royal family stretch throughout Europe and even to the new world, America. Catherine made sure that Mary did not forget her Spanish roots. Mary spoke Spanish as well as English. She identified herself with her Spanish family. After her father, Mary was treated as the most important person in England. She liked music, dancing, and games. Henry refers to her as a pear in his world. 

Catherine too was devoted to Mary. Farsley ambitious for her daughter.  She made sure that Mary's education will be fitted for her destiny. Ever great it might be. Catherine also taught Mary Latin and was determine that she will have good Latin. Henry still don't have any heirs and Catherine was preparing Mary for her role as being queen in her own right. For the next 3 years she was the Princess of Wales. But the search for the right husband continued. Age 11 she was to be inspected for a new French match. Mary was only a year away from being the minimum age of marriage.              

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