The Edinburgh Seven

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The Edinburgh Seven in their lifetime didn't get their degrees they deserved because they were women so 150 years later a few students represented these women and get their degrees. 

Sophia Jex-Blake, Emily Bovell, and Matilda Chaplin represented. The University of Edinburgh opened its doors to women students in 1869 and despite being successful in their studies, resistance towards them grew throughout 1870 and ultimately ended in a riot at Surgeons Hall, the women not only passed the exam they went on to pass all the exams they needed to qualify for a degree but a legal ruling in 1873 prevented the women from graduating. 

Having access to education is something that in this generation sort of take for granted. However, learning more about the Edinburgh Seven and the hardships that particular Sophia Jex-Blake went through to see even learn and appreciate medicine is something that really stood out to her so it's important that they do get acknowledgement for the hard work that they did not just receiving a degree in medicine but to spread awareness about women's access to education. It's important to recognize the achievements of these women. I hope this help place a spotlight on gender bases issues in health care. It's important we follow in the footsteps of the Edinburgh Seven and break down the barriers that may be stopping people from accessing higher education. 

Influencing the world since 1583. 

Women history monthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon