1: Law Stable Baby

Start from the beginning

Which led into the second reason Vincent was comfortable when Matt spoke; the man was always joking.

Their aunt tutted at him. "Oh, Matthew, do be serious-" This was folly on their Delia's part – Matthew was almost never serious "-If you put your mind to something, I have no doubt that you could achieve it."

"No, no, I cannot be consoled," he pressed a hand to his forehead, playacting dramatically without risking his drink, "I am the layabout of the family, the embarrassment. Even Phil outperforms me, and she's nine!"

The child in question was in the room. She was small – though not for her age, Vincent supposed – with straight brown hair tied back in a severe bun, and intelligent eyes. They crinkled at Matt now.

"Too right!" she said, giggling as Simon reach out to ruffle her hair.

The bun was less severe now.

Aunt Delia tutted again. "Well, I'll never be able to have a normal conversation with you all in this mood!" She stood quickly.

Vincent watched her cautiously. Was she upset? Did he need to begin forming an apology? Her lips were pursed, her hands clasped genteelly in front of her. After a moment her expression cracked, a wide smile forming that included – Vincent checked – her eyes. She embraced Phil, gave Simon a kiss on the cheek, and slapped Matt's hand gently as he reached for the decanter as she crossed the room to Vincent.

She was probably the same height as Vincent, so their eyes were aligned as she took his shoulders gently. "They would be very proud," she said quietly, only to him, before bending forward and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

She pulled away and paused. Perhaps for a response. It would have taken Vincent too long to figure out what he should say, so he settled for a nod. Something changed in Delia's expression, though he wasn't entirely sure what, but she patted his cheek and turned away before he could figure it out.

He'd ask Matt later.

"Be good, all of you," she looked at Matthew pointedly, "and pass my love to Beth and Bart. Oh, and David."

Bart. The second eldest Humphrey sibling. Away at present checking on his estate.

Beth. Between Bart and Vincent in age. Not present because she now resided several hours away with her husband.

David. Husband of Beth.

Her visit complete, Delia hurried from the room.

Simon stood a few moments later and extended his hand to Phil. "Alright," he said, "We've both time for some study before dinner is served."

'Study' for him surely meant looking over the estate's books or corresponding with tenants. For Phil it would be more traditional, although she had been without a governess for three months again, so it might also mean looking over the books or corresponding with tenants.

Vincent stayed with his back against the bookshelves until they left. Then he took a seat near Matthew, whilst his mind came up with the question he wanted to ask. Matt watched him, gently sipping his port, with no hint of irritation.

Vincent wanted to ask about their aunt. Whether he'd upset her or said something he shouldn't have. But he needed the question to sound how he meant it; concern for his aunt, not for himself.

After a few false starts, he finally asked, "Did you think Aunt Delia was well-disposed as she left?"

Matt was already shaking his head. "We were joking at the end there, Vin. I didn't upset her."

Even the most carefully crafted questions could sometimes miss their mark. Vincent shook his head.

His brother frowned at him. "You think you upset her?" Vincent nodded, even as Matt let out a snort. "You think too much, Vinny."

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