Chapter 2: Ayanokouji vs Manabu

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When he got home from school, Ayanokouji immediately laid on his bed, before even changing. He thought about what happened earlier, the study session that was abruptly stopped because of Horikita's harshness.

"Yeah, it makes sense to be tired after that terrible situation," commented Haruka with a frown as she stared at Horikita, which didn't go unnoticed.

"What? I already told you, I will not apologize, it made perfect sense for me to think that at that time," said Horikita.

"But, still..." said Kushida.

"It's fine, Kushida. That's just how Horikita is, besides, she did still ended up helpin' me,"  one of the victims, Sudou, said. The rest didn't know what he was talking about, but they accepted it and dropped the subject.

After a bit of silence, Ayanokouji spoke out loud to himself: "Maybe I'll go buy something," and so, that's what he did. 

He got out of his and walked towards the nearest vending machine, just outside the dorms. Once there, he overheard something he didn't expect.

"Suzune, I didn't expect you to follow me here," an unknown but familiar male voice, coming out of the alley just next to the vending machine.

"Ah," it was this exact moment when the two, Ayanokouji and Horikita, remembered what was about to happen.

"Horikita," Ayanokouji turned towards her, and saw the look of shame and uneasiness on her face. It took a while, but Horikita noticed Ayanokouji's glance. 

She took a deep breath and replied, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me," there was barely anymore hint of uneasiness in her voice.

Of course, even if Horikita wasn't fine with it, Ayanokouji wouldn't have done anything, even if he could. After all, this might lead to Horikita developing and becoming a better person.

Ayanokouji took a peek around the corner and waited. 

"Brother... I'm not the failure I was back then. I came her to catch up with you," said Horikita in a very uncharacteristically delicate voice.

"Wait a minute, Horikita-san?!" the first one to speak was Kushida, with the others immediately following up, all of them confused, and concerned. 

"Horikita... and who? Her brother?" 

"Horikita has a brother? In this school?" asked Yamauchi out loud.

"Huh? You seriously didn't realize? Are you dumb?" said Kei.

"Realize? Realize what?" Sudou joined in.

"Um... how about we just watch? I'm sure we'll find out soon." Hiyori, from Class C, interjected.

"Catch up? You still haven't even realized your own shortcomings. You were a fool to choose this school," said Horikita's brother in a harsh tone as he pushed up his glasses.

"I'll reach Class A soon! When I do--"


"I will... make it there."

No one even commented on Horikita's unusual behavior, they were too focused on the identity of her brother and the tensed situation.

"What an unreasonable sister you are," just then, the face of Horikita's brother was finally revealed and it was...

"The student council president?"  

"The President?!?!" a number of people exclaimed, very surprised. At the same time, some of smarter students couldn't help but facepalm.

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