A Nothing-Special Party

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Chase is invited everyone to a "Nothing-Special" Party before the baseball game.

Chase opens the door and sees everyone.

Chase: Wow, this is how looks like to have so much people at the door.

Marshall: Man, your house is nice!

Chase: Thanks.

They all sat in the living room.

Mrs. Scott comes in the room.

Mrs. Scott: Hello, All of you must Chase's new friends!

They all introduced themselves to Chase's mom.

Mrs. Scott: Well, Chase made a lot of friends in a short of time. I'm impressed!

Mr. Scott: I'm back from wor- (sees the whole crowd in the living room) Wow!

Mrs. Scott: This is all of Chase's friends!

Mr. Scott: Nice to meet you all.

They all have had a nice chat including Chase's parents.

Mr. Scott: Son, I have had a chat with all of them, I think Skye is nicest of them all. Why don't you ask her out?

(Chase was drinking water)

Chase: (spits out water) Gotta go to the bathroom catcha later, Dad!

Marshall watching and listening, He laughed. (gladly only him)

I have not much for this party, I just wanted some comedy so yeah, see ya!

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