
"He's a lego-maker,"

"Salary- Wait, he makes legos for a living?" I asked, turning my head to meet her eyes. I mean, that's so cool. Like, imagine going to work knowing you make thousands of kids happy.

"Nah, I wanted to check if you were paying attention." She replied.

"Hey, I always pay attention to you!" 

"Says the girl who dozed off when I was talking about NFT's."

"Can you blame me? It was boring!"


So, apparantly the Alec guy worked for Amazon and had done like fifty post-grad courses. He also had the CUTEST DOGS! He had one golden retriever pup, a husky pup and a pomeranian. I just did some, uh, research on his instagram. 

Oh, come on. You would have done the same!

The looser didn't have any pictures of himself though. Just those, blurry-aesthetic pictures. And pics of his dogs and food. Oh, and the places he visited. The man loves travelling and trying different cuisines. Which is cool.

But the dogs were the coolest.


Sarah had to leave back to work after that. She came back home, cried, realized she had no reason to cry, and went back.

Yep, that's my sister!

Anyway, after that I did some homework. But it's the first day of school, Ruth. Why do you have homework? Because some eager teachers want to finish our syllabus real quick. After finishing some homework that was due in like two weeks, I was chucked out of the house.

My mother literally pushed me out of the door. According to her, I don't get enough "sunlight". That is not true.

 I get a solid twenty of minutes of sunlight everyday. Not consecutively, but she doesn't know that. When I mentioned the twenty minutes she pushed me even harder. 

Look, I would go out with Alexa and the others. But Alexa and Easton have a family reunion to attend. According to Alexa it was a "great way to catch up with relatives we've seen barely seen before". Easton on the other hand called it a "great excuse for our mothers to make us socialize". 

Lucas is....

I have no idea what Lucas is doing. 

So, let's get this straight. Right now, I'm standing outside the locked door of my house, wearing the ugliest trousers and oversized t-shirt with my hair looking like the nest of a talentless bird. Oh and Ms. Klocker just pulled into her driveway in her grey sedan. She smiled at me, and waved.



Ms. Klocker is my neighbor incase you forgot. Yes, that's her actual name.

I kept hitting on the doorbell. I could hear the doorbell ring inside the house without stopping. HA. TAKE THAT MUMMY. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Lucas.

"Hey Ruth!" He greeted.

"Hiii! Yeah, so my mom kinda locked me out of the house, saying I'm VitaminD deficient. Wanna hangout?" I asked bluntly.

 Remember kids, beating around the bush never gets you anything. Only gets an annoyed mother. Which is avoidable. So don't do that.

I speak with the wisdom I have gathered over years of experience.

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