Returning Of The Unwanted Code

Start from the beginning

Y/N : "Will this voice ever shut up? just want to rest now"

{Notice, Obtaining new skills from the chosen vessel...converting the original to match chosen world...complete...Nigh-Omniscience will be converted to Artificial Intelligence to aid the subject on his journey}

Y/N "Art what?..."

You are too tired to continue..and so the darkness took over you

[Location : The Magical Forest]

*birds chirping*

Y/N : head.

You got lazily rubbing your head, you couldn't feel your hair...must have been numb to all those pain. The pain is gone. You open your eye to see your surrounding

Y/N : What the-

The scenery fills with tall grass, giant mushroom, and tree. What stands out are those giant mushrooms you see everywhere. You don't remember such a thing exist before.

Y/N: How did I get here?

Slowly gaining your strength back, you get up and brush off some dirt from your...white coat? You don't remember wearing this. It's not just that...your clothing is completely different from the one your wore before...

Y/N : Huh, weird...what is t-

To your shock, you see your hand. A skeleton's hand.

Y/N : H-Huh?...W-wait am I. No! Nonononono.

You reach onto your face feeling the cold hard surface of your skull.

Y/N : ..."I'm a skeleton. A freaking skeleton! No-no-no. It couldn't be. someone must have pulled a prank on me..."

You decide to test this out watching yourself from the nearby pound. To your horror, it seems have indeed become the skeleton

you have indeed become the skeleton

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Y/N : ...

But there is something strange about this...why does it look so think...but no answer has come to your mind. Until

{Notice, you are William. Error 404 the God Of The Multiverse and Father of all Error}

Shocked you turn around, only to face the giant mushroom the size of a house.

Y/N : I may have gone crazy...this mushroom can talk?

{Notice, Your mental health is still in the good shape. I was the one telling you. Good sir.}

Still keeping your eye searching for the possible source the voice came from

Y/N : Where are you!? Who are you! ....Where am...I?

{I am the AI, created by your Nigh-Omniscience objective is to help you on your journey may you ask me as you please}

Y/N : My...what?

Although you are not sure how an AI could sigh. You are sure to hear one from them.

{You have been reborn on the land of Gensokyo. I am an AI, and have been created by your great knowledge. To help you through most obstacles if you needed. You are William or Error404 from how the other called him in his Multiverse. the body you are currently using is based on your last dying wish. Your place of reborn has been chosen by the higher up being in the chain. May you enjoy your stay here}

You standing there dumbfound. Not sure how to respond to all of the information. Another sigh can be heard from the AI

{Commencing Memory Transmission}

Y/N : W-Wait what do you mean b-

Just that came a sudden pain in your head. All of those memories are coming. Even those that are not yours. The pain lasts for a good hour as it is processed. You can't do anything but hold your head in pain. Screaming that the best you could do. Every flash of the scene you see. Everything William has gone through. you are experiencing it all at once. It never stops...until the process is over




Some part of you have died at that moment...but you still live on

{Memory Transmission complete}

Y/N : *gasping* Why the hell, Did you do that?!

{I was trying to make you understand your situation. Good sir}

Y/N : You could've warned me!

{My apologies, I will consult you more in the future}

You can't help but sigh in response, at least it over

Y/N : Whatever. "What should I do now?"

{I would recommend you to travel the land. This world is...quite fascinating, The Youkai will not attack you...with this intense aura you release. But for your safety please do suppress it before a certain youkai have notice}

Y/N : My what?

Your vision suddenly changes. You see a skel- well yourself with a huge blue flaming aura spreading all over the place.

Y/N : Woah, is that?

{Yes, please do suppress your aura now before it is too late}

Doing so, you find your body seems to act on itself and suppress its aura

Y/N : Would this work?

Questioning your AI friend

{That would seem to be enough. Good sir, your best course of action now would either be to find a place to live or you can just explore the world as you please. The choice is your}

Y/N : Lead me to the nearest safe place from here.

{As you command. Good sir}

An arrow and line appear out of thin air as if to lead you.

Y/N : "Ah so it's some kind of GPS. You better not lead me to a dead-end"

{Notice, My Navigation System never fails. If you get lost it is entirely caused by your carelessness}

Y/N : Tch, guess I will have to get used to you.

{Notice, I will be with you for the rest of your life. I will never get used to your childish behavior. Please do act like a god properly more in the future}

Y/N : Why you little!

{Please focus on your destination, don't get lost.}

You sigh, you will never get used to them. For now, you could use all the advice you can get to learn more about this world. And most importantly your new body. Seem like it is not the end of your life just yet...this is just the beginning of your new set your foot out. Your new journey starts now!

[End of Chapter 1]

Glitch In Reality : An Error God On Gensokyo (ERROR404!READER X TOUHOU)Where stories live. Discover now